Sweet Liberty, Chapter 12

What an interesting sunset rain and cloud formation, but it has nothing to do with the sample chapter of Sweet Liberty that I’m posting today. I would say that this chapter is at least a PG-13 rating, just so people know.

Now I need to get back to work on editing. I tell you, I just don’t take time for “me things” anymore. I really need to focus on that, because I’m a notorious “yes” person.

Today is Chapter 12 of Sweet Liberty. I hope you enjoy it.

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Look Forward to a New Chapter of Sweet Liberty


With the holidays are upon us, so are car accidents with minor but painful injuries, as well as getting back to work. I apologize for being so far behind, even if the apology is just for myself. I will be back on track by the end of the year, though.

My goal is to have Chapter 4 of Sweet Liberty on my blog by this weekend, but please be patient if it isn’t there Sunday. It will be soon.

I’m also planning to post a free contemporary romance just for the holiday season. Hopefully, I’ll be able to figure out how to get it to download to you directly from Books by Liz. If not, I’ll post it on Amazon Kindle as a free book. Wish me luck. I’m about to embark on new territory in the online publishing world.

Sweet Liberty, Chapter 2

As Halloween approaches, I am releasing Chapter 2 of my new novel, entitled Sweet Liberty. I don’t know if I’ll have time to upload a new chapter next weekend, because I’m working on another ghostwriting project. I will, however, do my best for the next sample.

In this chapter, Libby Woods meets Nathaniel Payne while on the trail from Charleston, South Carolina to Charlotte, North Carolina. Despite her reluctance, she agrees to let him join them on their travels.

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New Historical Romance

I’m preparing a new historical romance, entitled Sweet Liberty, for publication. Therefore, I will be posting chapters over the next few weeks, until my product is ready to go online at Kindle Direct.




Sweet Liberty is about a young woman (Libby Woods) and her younger siblings (Will Nichols and Flossie Woods) who set out to find a new life after the murders of their parents. Shortly into their journey from South Carolina, a trapper (Nathaniel “Nate” Payne) befriends them. To keep them safe, Nate joins the trio on their travels.

The following is the first chapter of my new historical romance. As always, if you have feedback, please feel free to post it in the comments section of this site.

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Secret Heart Is Now Online

Secret Heart Cover 2

My new novel , entitled Secret Heart, is now online and available for sale. The pull-down menu above labeled Romance then the sub-menu, Intrigue, will give a link to Amazon, where the book is published.

At the beginning of August, I will have a special promotion for the book. Please stayed tuned for it.

Secret Heart, Chapter 5 and Book Cover

Secret Heart Cover 2

I finally made my book cover for Secret Heart. I picked this photo because it shows how Ashleigh and Luke met.

I’m also going to upload Chapter 5 of Secret Heart – just for the heck of it and because I can.

Secret Heart will be online at Amazon Kindle Books by the end of the week, and I’m excited to see how it might go with a new marketing strategy.

Be sure to pick up a Kindle Fire, 6 inch, glare-free with WiFi if you want to read Secret Heart in full. Continue reading

Secret Heart, Chapters 3 and 4

Sunset 9-18-15


While I prepare my soon-to-be-published book cover, please enjoy Chapters 3 and 4 of my romantic intrigue novel entitled Secret Heart.

Secret Heart is going online in the next couple of weeks, and will only be available on Amazon Kindle at the moment. At a later point, I may opt to put out a hard copy of the book.

Please remember, this is a romantic intrigue with some spicy language at some points, so I would suggest keeping the age at no younger than 18 years old to be on the safe side.

If you like romance and intrigue, feel free to try out this blog and the two before it to see if you might be interested in my book.

Also, you might want to remember to check out the Widget in the left-hand corner drop down lines, where you can find a link to Amazon’s Kindle Fire, 6-inch, glare-free e-reader. I love my 6-inch Fire, except for it’s an older model and isn’t glare-free. I highly recommend it.

Enjoy reading. Continue reading

My Romantic Intrigue Entitled Secret Heart, Chapter 2

Mission San Xavier del Bac near Tucson, AZ

Mission San Xavier del Bac
near Tucson, AZ

This obviously isn’t a photo of my book cover for Secret Heart. I haven’t gotten that made yet. This is a photo of one of the most beautiful missions in the area. The inside is just as lovely, if not more so, than the outside.

Chapter 2 of my romantic intrigue entitled Secret Heart is attached here for those who want to read it. I really enjoyed writing this book and hope people enjoy reading it. Secret Heart isn’t a thought-provoking book, rather it’s one I wrote simply to entertain.

As always, please feel free to comment if you want. There is a comment section to the left at the top of this page.

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