Free Books on Amazon Kindle

Today, while I’m finalizing Danger in Paradise to place on this site in full, I am offering two free books (from April 5 through April 9) I have published on Amazon Kindle. The first is Shadows of the Past, a romantic intrigue; the second is Kindred Desires, an historical romance.

To read what these books are about, both are located under the Romance drop-down menu above – one in Historical; the other, Intrigue. Clicking on the book cover will take you to the book site on Kindle.

I hope you enjoy. Danger in Paradise will be linked here soon.

Danger in Paradise Chaps. 11 & 12

Bird of Paradise

Now available, DANGER IN PARADISE, Chapters 11 & 12. This romantic intrigue is set in Honolulu, Hawaii, and features a woman (Jessie) caught in a mystery involving her job which includes a top secret clearance. Her dear friend and former boyfriend (Nick) is an espionage writer, and she enlists him to help her find out who is stealing material from her office – that has her name on it. Jessie can only have faith that Nick is as good as the characters in his books.

DISCLAIMER: There are mature scenes in this body of work.

If you have not yet read the earlier chapters, they are still posted on this site. Just scroll down to the first chapter.

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Danger in Paradise, Chaps. 7 & 8

Huachuca Mountains, Hereford, AZ

It’s been a long time since I’ve been on here. I’ve been terribly busy with ghostwriting, so I haven’t had enough time for my own work. Now I’ve retired from ghostwriting and am getting back to my novels. Things have changed on this site, and I’ll need to get used to them. Please bear with me while I do.

To catch up on Danger in Paradise, please scroll down to refresh your memory.

Hopefully, Danger in Paradise will be finished by the end of January. While I finish it, feel free to read the books posted to download here, such as my historical romance, Sweet Liberty, or go to Amazon Kindle books and find Twin Creek Claim, a romantic intrigue. Amazon books can be purchased or read with Kindle Unlimited.

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