Another Ghostwriting Installment Finished

Double Rainbow in the Sky Sierra Vista, AZ

Double Rainbow in the Sky
Sierra Vista, AZ

I wish I could  remember how to do a text wrap around the picture. This one is a double rainbow taken from our back porch. It wasn’t intentional, but I kind of liked the way the brighter rainbow framed our tree. Sometimes luck turns out better than planning for me.

Actually, I finished two more ghostwriting assignments, since I didn’t post last week. I was just too busy working.

I am really excited about this project because it’s coming along so well. This is a story idea (set in the Old West time period)  I had years ago and could never get to come together. With the help of my client, I figured out what was wrong with it, and I was off to the races with it. Amazing how a fresh eye will bring things into focus. I truly love ghostwriting, even though it doesn’t pay a lot. This is something that makes me happy.

With the final installment due next Monday, I’m looking forward to working on another one of my own books to put online soon. I haven’t decided which book it will be yet, but I’m leaning toward another romantic intrigue. Doing my own writing projects makes me happy, too, of course.

Ghostwriting Is Going Well

Saguaro Cacti Outside of Tucson

Saguaro Cacti Outside of Tucson

The ghostwriting job I have that’s set in Arizona is going quite well. I’ve gotten 8,000+ words done, and I’m already starting on the next installment of 4,000 words.

Although I had this story idea many years ago, I could never get it started. With the help of my client, it’s going so well I’m having trouble believing it myself. The few tweaks that she made gave me better ideas, and I’m now able to know where my characters are heading in this ghostwriting project. I’m so grateful that this book is finally getting written!

Do I get paid a lot for ghostwriting? Not for this project – only a penny a word. Would I like to earn more? Sure, wouldn’t anybody? But I so enjoy it that I really don’t care too much.

I can’t wait until I finish this ghostwriting project a month from now and can (hopefully) get permission to advertise it on this site. Since it won’t be under my name as author, though, I’ll have to add a section for other authors. Or possibly I’ll have a link to it another way.

Ghostwriting a Western Serial Romance

Outside of Tucson, AZ

Outside of Tucson, AZ

This is the type of landscape one could imagine in the western serial novella that I’m ghostwriting.

It’s so exciting to be working on something that I truly love. The “Wild West” is where I live, and Tucson was one of the wildest places here. To be able to immerse myself in a piece of romantic fiction that I’m able to use my knowledge that I’ve learned through the Bisbee Corral of the Westerners, of which I’m secretary, is a real joy to me.

I love writing, but while my own books sit on at the moment, I can work on a ghostwriting project to kind of support my obsession. I’ve been researching things such as the Chiricahua Apache and Cochise, stagecoaches, the Santa Fe Trail, Conestoga wagons, and steamboats. Since my second love is research, I’m in writer’s heaven right now.

With the first installment of a five-installment ghostwriting project finished and ready to go out tomorrow morning.


Outside of Tucson, AZ

Outside of Tucson, AZ

I just contracted to do an historical romance ghostwriting job and won’t be working on my own book for a while. I really enjoy ghostwriting, and I am anticipating that this one is a first in a series.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to give details on this ghostwriting project someday, but right now, my lips are sealed. The story is started and the synopsis fleshed out, so it shouldn’t take me too long to get moving on the project.

I’m very excited.

Happy Independence Day

As you can see, I said Independence Day, not Fourth of July. That’s because nobody I know says Merry Twenty-Fifth of December or Happy First of January. Just as those are Christmas and New Year official holidays, Independence Day is the official title of this holiday. As far back as July 4, 1777, the United States of America citizens have been celebrating its declaration of independence from Britain with parades, parties, fireworks and more.

Daughters of the American Revolution & US Flag

Daughters of the American Revolution & US Flag

I am a proud member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. When I realized this, I couldn’t wait to become a member. My direct biological ancestors fought for our independence, and that means a great deal to me. On my adoptive side of the family, I am also a descendant of Revolutionary War soldiers, at least two of whom wintered at Valley Forge with Gen. George Washington. That’s why Independence Day is my preferred greeting.

US Flag & Liberty Bell

US Flag & Liberty Bell

We all remember stories of Betsy Ross and the first US flag, but do we remember much about the Liberty Bell? Below are two short quotes from

“Tradition tells of a chime that changed the world on July 8, 1776, with the Liberty Bell ringing out from the tower of Independence Hall summoning the citizens of Philadelphia to hear the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence by Colonel John Nixon.”

“There is widespread disagreement about when the first crack appeared on the Bell. Hair-line cracks on bells were bored out to prevent expansion. However, it is agreed that the final expansion of the crack which rendered the Bell unringable was on Washington’s Birthday in 1846.”

And the first paragraph from the Declaration of Independence (from

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

Again, Happy Independence Day, everyone!

Book Preparation

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

This past week I worked on book preparation, getting my own project (set in Hawaii) prepped to go online at Amazon KDP. Unfortunately, I don’t think Danger in Paradise is quite ready for publication, and I want to ruminate on it for a few weeks. Instead, I will work on preparation of another book I have that I think would be ready sooner.

The next book I will review for possible preparation and publication is another romantic intrigue, this one set in the Badlands of South Dakota. I can’t wait to go through it again because I was so into it when I originally wrote it several years ago. Now that I have a clear mind about Badlands Ridge, I hope I can get it in shape to publish.

I also have a possible ghostwriting project on which I need to consult with the client.  As soon as I can do that, I will put my own book preparation on hold and work on ghostwriting. This job could be on-going and is a serial set in the Old West, my favorite.

So things are picking up here in Arizona. I have plenty of writing, editing and book preparation to keep me busy for a while.

Editing Job Completed

Editing by Liz

Editing by Liz

I finally finished editing a paranormal book by AJ Mullican, and I truly enjoyed her work.

Editing with MS Word, as I did with AJ’s book, is a simple process using the “Review” tab. I could write notes in the margins and track important changes. Now that I’ve returned the book to her via email, she can go into the manuscript and easily find my changes. To do her own editing, all she has to do it go into the “Review” tab and either “Accept” or “Decline” my edits. Or she can make her own changes if she wishes. There is also an option whereby she can skip to the “Next” change and think on what she might want to do, or she can return to the “Previous” change if she comes up with a different way to approach the editing.

Had AJ wanted me to do so, I could have formatted her manuscript any way she wanted while I was editing it. This is something I can do at no extra cost since it takes so little time in most cases.

Anyone who would like editing of their books by me, a freelance editor of over 30 years, will find that I have very reasonable prices and will give an honest assessment at the end of each editing that I do. If I edit on MS Word, the assessment will be given within the manuscript as I go along.

Good luck, AJ Mullican, with your submissions to the editors at publishing houses.

Book Editing Service

Pen and Paper

Today I’m learning my SEO plugin. Because I want to work on  building my book editing services, I want to make sure that my information shows up in the search engines. The better I do at showing that I offer book editing services, the more likely I am to get my information on the search engines. Supposedly, this plugin will help me succeed in my goal.

I have been in the book editing for 35+ years, working on all genres of books. For the most part, I have edited nonfiction books, but I have also worked on autobiographical works, fiction, children’s, young adult, and even erotica. Magazine articles have come to me from time to time, but I rarely edit those. I can also edit your work on my computer as long as it is a Word document. This give me a little more room for explaining any editorial changes.

In my book editing process, I make notes in the margins to explain my changes. I also offer a one- to two-page synopsis of where I think the book should be heading and/or improvements that can be made. I also explain some of my notes in greater detail if I feel it’s beneficial to the writer.

My fees for book editing vary depending upon the difficulty of the work. Most of the time, however, I charge $3 per page. If an author wants to send me a sample of his/her work, I will edit up to 30 pages at the $3 price before I quote a price for the entire book. I have even lowered the per-page price for my editing if the book comes in installments and editing changes I’ve made previously have already been made later in the book.

My First Editing Job

since I put up my website. Okay, it’s from my daughter and I’m not charging her, but it’s a job.

I’m working to upgrade my site, but it’s taking a lot of figuring out on my part. But I’m enjoying it. I like learning new things, and I can’t wait until I can get things moving along.