Secret Heart, Chapters 3 and 4

Sunset 9-18-15


While I prepare my soon-to-be-published book cover, please enjoy Chapters 3 and 4 of my romantic intrigue novel entitled Secret Heart.

Secret Heart is going online in the next couple of weeks, and will only be available on Amazon Kindle at the moment. At a later point, I may opt to put out a hard copy of the book.

Please remember, this is a romantic intrigue with some spicy language at some points, so I would suggest keeping the age at no younger than 18 years old to be on the safe side.

If you like romance and intrigue, feel free to try out this blog and the two before it to see if you might be interested in my book.

Also, you might want to remember to check out the Widget in the left-hand corner drop down lines, where you can find a link to Amazon’s Kindle Fire, 6-inch, glare-free e-reader. I love my 6-inch Fire, except for it’s an older model and isn’t glare-free. I highly recommend it.

Enjoy reading. Continue reading

My Romantic Intrigue Entitled Secret Heart, Chapter 2

Mission San Xavier del Bac near Tucson, AZ

Mission San Xavier del Bac
near Tucson, AZ

This obviously isn’t a photo of my book cover for Secret Heart. I haven’t gotten that made yet. This is a photo of one of the most beautiful missions in the area. The inside is just as lovely, if not more so, than the outside.

Chapter 2 of my romantic intrigue entitled Secret Heart is attached here for those who want to read it. I really enjoyed writing this book and hope people enjoy reading it. Secret Heart isn’t a thought-provoking book, rather it’s one I wrote simply to entertain.

As always, please feel free to comment if you want. There is a comment section to the left at the top of this page.

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The Second Chapter of Secret Heart Coming Soon

Twin Creek Claim

I plan to release the second chapter of my novel entitled Secret Heart by June 10, 2016.

In the meantime, please feel free to look at the first two chapters of my already-published novel, Twin Creek Claim. A link to the entire book can be found under the Romance, Intrigue section of this website.

As always, please feel free to use the comment section at the left-hand side of this page. I welcome feedback.

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Secret Heart, A Romantic Intrigue Excerpt

Please support our troops, and remember all our fallen military on this and every Memorial Day.

Please support our troops, and remember our fallen military on this Memorial Day and every day.


The first chapter of my romantic intrigue entitled Secret Heart is on my website today. The novel features a young British woman who runs away from her fiancé due to his illegal dealings. Ashleigh Prescott comes to America and hides on an Oklahoma ranch owned by Luke Bradford, the brother of her cousin’s fiancee. While Ashleigh lives in a cabin on Luke’s ranch, they grow close. Will Scotland Yard detectives find her in time to keep her safe from her ex-fiancé? Will she be able to leave Luke to keep him safe?

This is the next novel I hope to put up on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, so please feel free to read it and give me any feedback you would like. I’m extremely interested in what my friends and family have to say so I can make any adjustments to the storyline I feel are good ideas.

Because I love my Kindle eReader and because I publish digitally on Kindle Direct Publishing, I decided to become an Amazon Associate and promote different Kindle eReaders on my site. I’m currently trying to figure out how to do it so it will link through the Amazon Affiliate program, but so far I’m not having much luck. For now I’ll have to settle for linking by my old method. Kindle eReader, 6″ Glare-free with WiFi. This link will take you to, in particular the eReader. BUT if you go to the upper left-hand corner of this site, you will see a drop-down menu. If you click the link there, I will get credit if you decide to purchase the eReader.

Please keep reading for Chapter 1 of my romantic intrigue novel entitled Secret Heart.

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Another Serial Novella


This photo is of nightshade, which plays a prominent role in the serial I just finished ghostwriting. It grows wild all over our land.

I finished my serial historical romance novella yesterday, and sent it to my client. She’s already asked me for another one, kind of a follow-up to this one. Since I don’t want it to be too close to the same thing, I want to research a different area – maybe Tucson or Phoenix or Tombstone. The last one was fun to do, so I want to be sure I do as well on the new one. But I don’t want them to be too close to the same, either. Decisions, decisions.

Again, I’m having trouble with the word wrap feature. (I forgot to have my favorite son-in-law show me how to do it because I can’t seem to understand what I’m reading online.) Someday, I will get this blogging down to an art, but today won’t be the day.

I found a site with a lot of good quotes on writing from famous authors. I’ll probably post one with each of my blogs starting today. The following is by George Orwell, and I’ve seen a lot of writers who don’t follow it. “Never use a long word when a short one will do.”

Another Ghostwriting Installment Finished

Double Rainbow in the Sky Sierra Vista, AZ

Double Rainbow in the Sky
Sierra Vista, AZ

I wish I could  remember how to do a text wrap around the picture. This one is a double rainbow taken from our back porch. It wasn’t intentional, but I kind of liked the way the brighter rainbow framed our tree. Sometimes luck turns out better than planning for me.

Actually, I finished two more ghostwriting assignments, since I didn’t post last week. I was just too busy working.

I am really excited about this project because it’s coming along so well. This is a story idea (set in the Old West time period)  I had years ago and could never get to come together. With the help of my client, I figured out what was wrong with it, and I was off to the races with it. Amazing how a fresh eye will bring things into focus. I truly love ghostwriting, even though it doesn’t pay a lot. This is something that makes me happy.

With the final installment due next Monday, I’m looking forward to working on another one of my own books to put online soon. I haven’t decided which book it will be yet, but I’m leaning toward another romantic intrigue. Doing my own writing projects makes me happy, too, of course.

Ghostwriting Is Going Well

Saguaro Cacti Outside of Tucson

Saguaro Cacti Outside of Tucson

The ghostwriting job I have that’s set in Arizona is going quite well. I’ve gotten 8,000+ words done, and I’m already starting on the next installment of 4,000 words.

Although I had this story idea many years ago, I could never get it started. With the help of my client, it’s going so well I’m having trouble believing it myself. The few tweaks that she made gave me better ideas, and I’m now able to know where my characters are heading in this ghostwriting project. I’m so grateful that this book is finally getting written!

Do I get paid a lot for ghostwriting? Not for this project – only a penny a word. Would I like to earn more? Sure, wouldn’t anybody? But I so enjoy it that I really don’t care too much.

I can’t wait until I finish this ghostwriting project a month from now and can (hopefully) get permission to advertise it on this site. Since it won’t be under my name as author, though, I’ll have to add a section for other authors. Or possibly I’ll have a link to it another way.

Ghostwriting a Western Serial Romance

Outside of Tucson, AZ

Outside of Tucson, AZ

This is the type of landscape one could imagine in the western serial novella that I’m ghostwriting.

It’s so exciting to be working on something that I truly love. The “Wild West” is where I live, and Tucson was one of the wildest places here. To be able to immerse myself in a piece of romantic fiction that I’m able to use my knowledge that I’ve learned through the Bisbee Corral of the Westerners, of which I’m secretary, is a real joy to me.

I love writing, but while my own books sit on at the moment, I can work on a ghostwriting project to kind of support my obsession. I’ve been researching things such as the Chiricahua Apache and Cochise, stagecoaches, the Santa Fe Trail, Conestoga wagons, and steamboats. Since my second love is research, I’m in writer’s heaven right now.

With the first installment of a five-installment ghostwriting project finished and ready to go out tomorrow morning.


Outside of Tucson, AZ

Outside of Tucson, AZ

I just contracted to do an historical romance ghostwriting job and won’t be working on my own book for a while. I really enjoy ghostwriting, and I am anticipating that this one is a first in a series.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to give details on this ghostwriting project someday, but right now, my lips are sealed. The story is started and the synopsis fleshed out, so it shouldn’t take me too long to get moving on the project.

I’m very excited.

Book Preparation

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

This past week I worked on book preparation, getting my own project (set in Hawaii) prepped to go online at Amazon KDP. Unfortunately, I don’t think Danger in Paradise is quite ready for publication, and I want to ruminate on it for a few weeks. Instead, I will work on preparation of another book I have that I think would be ready sooner.

The next book I will review for possible preparation and publication is another romantic intrigue, this one set in the Badlands of South Dakota. I can’t wait to go through it again because I was so into it when I originally wrote it several years ago. Now that I have a clear mind about Badlands Ridge, I hope I can get it in shape to publish.

I also have a possible ghostwriting project on which I need to consult with the client.  As soon as I can do that, I will put my own book preparation on hold and work on ghostwriting. This job could be on-going and is a serial set in the Old West, my favorite.

So things are picking up here in Arizona. I have plenty of writing, editing and book preparation to keep me busy for a while.