Sweet Liberty, Chapter 6

Brown Canyon
Sierra Vista, AZ

As I’m putting out Chapter 6 of my historical romance entitled Sweet Liberty, I can’t believe that it’s already the 14th of January. Two Thousand Seventeen is already moving fast.

With ghostwriting and beginning-of-the-year chores (like balancing checkbooks that I’m far too behind on) to do around the house, I’m a bit surprised that I was able to work this in.

I hope you enjoy the next Chapter 6 of Sweet Liberty. I’m still hoping that I can get my contemporary romance online by the end of February, but paid work comes first. I just can’t guarantee it.

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Sweet Liberty, Chapter 5, a Historical Romance

I’ve attached Chapter 5 of my historical romance entitled Sweet Liberty. I had high hopes of getting a free contemporary romance posted online, but the holidays turned out to be more hectic than I had anticipated.

I am, however, still at work on editing and preparing on A Baby for New Year’s.for publication on this site. Hopefully, it will be available before the end of February, 2016.

In the meantime, please enjoy the next chapter of Sweet Liberty. Continue reading

Sweet Liberty, Chapter 2

As Halloween approaches, I am releasing Chapter 2 of my new novel, entitled Sweet Liberty. I don’t know if I’ll have time to upload a new chapter next weekend, because I’m working on another ghostwriting project. I will, however, do my best for the next sample.

In this chapter, Libby Woods meets Nathaniel Payne while on the trail from Charleston, South Carolina to Charlotte, North Carolina. Despite her reluctance, she agrees to let him join them on their travels.

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New Historical Romance

I’m preparing a new historical romance, entitled Sweet Liberty, for publication. Therefore, I will be posting chapters over the next few weeks, until my product is ready to go online at Kindle Direct.




Sweet Liberty is about a young woman (Libby Woods) and her younger siblings (Will Nichols and Flossie Woods) who set out to find a new life after the murders of their parents. Shortly into their journey from South Carolina, a trapper (Nathaniel “Nate” Payne) befriends them. To keep them safe, Nate joins the trio on their travels.

The following is the first chapter of my new historical romance. As always, if you have feedback, please feel free to post it in the comments section of this site.

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Two Books Are Discounted Beginning 9-7-2016

Secret Heart Cover 2

On September 7, 2016, two of my books go on discount pricing. You can access both books in the Romance header on this site. One is under Intrigue and the other is under Historical.

The first book, Secret Heart, is the romantic intrigue, and here is the blurb for it.

Betrayed by her fiance, Lady Ashleigh Prescott flees Great Britain to her cousin in Oklahoma, America.

Hiding at a cabin on the family ranch of her cousin’s wife, Ashleigh lays low so her fiance can’t find her. When Rex Cornelius’ brother-in-law returns from a rodeo tour, she finds herself in more danger than she was in London. But is this large man more dangerous to her safety – or her heart?

Luke Bradford is furious when he learns that someone is living in his cabin. The cold, dark night disguises the intruder’s true identity, though, and he attacks a woman – much to his disbelief and regret. When he begins taking care of Ashleigh to make amends, he learns there was more to this woman than he’d originally. She was hiding a secret, and he is determined to coax it from her.

Then her fiance comes to town, and Luke needs to get her away from him. Did he need to do it for her, though? Or was he doing it to keep her with him? She claims that they can never be together, but he wants to prove her wrong. In order to do that, he needs to save her from whatever fate she claims awaits her in Britain.

With Ashleigh’s fiance on her trail, they head to a rodeo in Arizona. On the way, Luke discovers the truth about her past and possible future. He also knows that he most protect her at all cost. For the first time in his life, he can’t live without a woman.

Before Luke can do that, Ashleigh leaves him to return to Oklahoma and what awaits her in Britain. Will Luke make it to her before she submits to the future?


The second book is a historical romance entitled Kindred Desires. Here is the blurb.

A war was brewing in Scottsburg, Wyoming. That was what the letter slipped under the door at the Scottsburg Sentinal newspaper claimed, and at first, editor Scott MacPherson thought it was cattle ranchers against the sheep farmers who were fencing in their lands. When he realized it was actually one rancher against his third cousin, Heather Scott, though, he was determined to protect her – despite his grandmother’s vehement objections.

But Heather wanted nothing to do with him. She didn’t need a man to protect her. She’d been taking care of herself and her three younger sisters since she was sixteen and their parents had both died. Now Scott, who had come back from years of working in Boston to run the local newspaper for his grandmother, was determined to help her despite her anger with the family. The Scott family hadn’t helped her in four years, and since he refused to publish the letter because he felt it was too dangerous for her, she didn’t believe she needed any help from him.

Or did she? Her sheep were getting killed on a fairly regular basis, and Scott only wanted to protect her like he did when those men had shot at them one night. Unfortunately, Scott’s charm was winning her over so she fought with him just to keep her emotional distance. When they were stranded after an avalanche caused by someone shooting at them, she realized that her attempts to keep him from getting into her heart had failed, just as her sisters had proclaimed.

Before she could marry Scott, though, they needed to trap that cattle rancher into a confession so they could get him out of her life once and for all.

Deals on Secret Heart and Kindred Desires

I have deals on two books now, Secret Heart and Kindred Desires. They are both discounted now on Kindle books at Amazon.com.

Secret Heart Cover 2

Secret Heart is a Kindle book on Amazon.com at a reduced price until August 16, 2016. If you’re interested, please check it out by clicking on the link in the Romance, Intrigue section above. Below is a blurb for Secret Heart.

Betrayed by her fiance, Lady Ashleigh Prescott flees Great Britain to her cousin in Oklahoma, America.

Hiding at a cabin on the family ranch of her cousin’s wife, Ashleigh lays low so her fiance can’t find her. When Rex Cornelius’ brother-in-law returns from a rodeo tour, she finds herself in more danger than she was in London. But is this large man more dangerous to her safety – or her heart?

Luke Bradford is furious when he learns that someone is living in his cabin. The cold, dark night disguises the intruder’s true identity, though, and he attacks a woman – much to his disbelief and regret. When he begins taking care of Ashleigh to make amends, he learns there was more to this woman than he’d originally. She was hiding a secret, and he is determined to coax it from her.

Then her fiance comes to town, and Luke needs to get her away from him. Did he need to do it for her, though? Or was he doing it to keep her with him? She claims that they can never be together, but he wants to prove her wrong. In order to do that, he needs to save her from whatever fate she claims awaits her in Britain.

With Ashleigh’s fiance on her trail, they head to a rodeo in Arizona. On the way, Luke discovers the truth about her past and possible future. He also knows that he most protect her at all cost. For the first time in his life, he can’t live without a woman.

Before Luke can do that, Ashleigh leaves him to return to Oklahoma and what awaits her in Britain. Will Luke make it to her before she submits to the future?

Kindred Desires, An Historical Romance

Kindred Desires,
An Historical Romance

I put a second book, Kindred Desires, on sale until August 14, 2016. Here is a blurb for this historical romance.

A war was brewing in Scottsburg, Wyoming. That was what the letter slipped under the door at the Scottsburg Sentinal newspaper claimed, and at first, editor Scott MacPherson thought it was cattle ranchers against the sheep farmers who were fencing in their lands. When he realized it was actually one rancher against his third cousin, Heather Scott, though, he was determined to protect her – despite his grandmother’s vehement objections.

But Heather wanted nothing to do with him. She didn’t need a man to protect her. She’d been taking care of herself and her three younger sisters since she was sixteen and their parents had both died. Now Scott, who had come back from years of working in Boston to run the local newspaper for his grandmother, was determined to help her despite her anger with the family. The Scott family hadn’t helped her in four years, and since he refused to publish the letter because he felt it was too dangerous for her, she didn’t believe she needed any help from him.

Or did she? Her sheep were getting killed on a fairly regular basis, and Scott only wanted to protect her like he did when those men had shot at them one night. Unfortunately, Scott’s charm was winning her over so she fought with him just to keep her emotional distance. When they were stranded after an avalanche caused by someone shooting at them, she realized that her attempts to keep him from getting into her heart had failed, just as her sisters had proclaimed.

Before she could marry Scott, though, they needed to trap that cattle rancher into a confession so they could get him out of her life once and for all.

Now I’m busy with research for my next ghostwriting project. I love ghostwriting, and if anybody is interested in my working for you at $0.01 per word, please feel free to contact me here on my blog. The length of the project doesn’t matter. I’ve worked for 5,000 words up to 100,000 words and more. I’ve also written anything from “clean” romances to erotic romances, but I do like to concentrate on romances.

Another Serial Novella


This photo is of nightshade, which plays a prominent role in the serial I just finished ghostwriting. It grows wild all over our land.

I finished my serial historical romance novella yesterday, and sent it to my client. She’s already asked me for another one, kind of a follow-up to this one. Since I don’t want it to be too close to the same thing, I want to research a different area – maybe Tucson or Phoenix or Tombstone. The last one was fun to do, so I want to be sure I do as well on the new one. But I don’t want them to be too close to the same, either. Decisions, decisions.

Again, I’m having trouble with the word wrap feature. (I forgot to have my favorite son-in-law show me how to do it because I can’t seem to understand what I’m reading online.) Someday, I will get this blogging down to an art, but today won’t be the day.

I found a site with a lot of good quotes on writing from famous authors. I’ll probably post one with each of my blogs starting today. The following is by George Orwell, and I’ve seen a lot of writers who don’t follow it. “Never use a long word when a short one will do.”

Another Ghostwriting Installment Finished

Double Rainbow in the Sky Sierra Vista, AZ

Double Rainbow in the Sky
Sierra Vista, AZ

I wish I could  remember how to do a text wrap around the picture. This one is a double rainbow taken from our back porch. It wasn’t intentional, but I kind of liked the way the brighter rainbow framed our tree. Sometimes luck turns out better than planning for me.

Actually, I finished two more ghostwriting assignments, since I didn’t post last week. I was just too busy working.

I am really excited about this project because it’s coming along so well. This is a story idea (set in the Old West time period)  I had years ago and could never get to come together. With the help of my client, I figured out what was wrong with it, and I was off to the races with it. Amazing how a fresh eye will bring things into focus. I truly love ghostwriting, even though it doesn’t pay a lot. This is something that makes me happy.

With the final installment due next Monday, I’m looking forward to working on another one of my own books to put online soon. I haven’t decided which book it will be yet, but I’m leaning toward another romantic intrigue. Doing my own writing projects makes me happy, too, of course.