Sweet Liberty, Chapters 8 & 9

Huachuca Mountains, Hereford, AZ

After a week off of ghostwriting, I’m ready to post another two chapters of my historical romance, Sweet Liberty.

It’s hot here in Arizona, and I’m enjoying the snowy mountain scene. This was taken from our front porch (facing west) at sunrise.

Please enjoy reading the next installment of Sweet Liberty.

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Sweet Liberty, Chapter 7

Now that I’ve gotten my contemporary novel online for free download, I’m adding a new chapter (Chapter 7, previous chapters can be read here on my blog) of my historical romance entitled Sweet Liberty.

Editing is such a slow process when one works on ghostwriting, DAR genealogy and applications, and my  own genealogy, as well, but I keep plugging away. Maybe I’ll be able to post the complete book later this year. That’s my hope, anyway.

In the meantime, please enjoy Chapter 7 of Sweet Liberty.

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A Baby for New Year’s, Free Sample Book

Sorta Success! My book, A Baby for New Year’s, is finally available for free download. That’s the success part. The “sorta” part is that I couldn’t get it to work with my purchase program.

I thought I would leave well enough alone for now and just upload my book as a link.

Free to all, just click on the picture or the title above to get to the downloadable PDF file. Once there, just click on either the picture or title again. The file will appear at that point.

Still Working Hard

I’m still working hard to get my contemporary romance, A Baby for New Year’s, to download, but so far, I haven’t had any luck. I wish I could report that I’ve done it. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

I am, however, getting closer to success. At least, I can run it through the purchase process. It’s still free, but that’s the process we need to follow to download the book.

I definitely like progress. Maybe the next time it will work. That will have to be tomorrow, though, because today I must work on a ghostwriting project.

Hopefully, soon I’ll have it online.

Rachel Randle didn’t move to Vermont to do anything other than get away from her over-protective family in Texas. Then she meet Gary Holbrook, her boss at a temporary agency job.

The handsome, courteous, witty man forces her to bury her feelings. His daughter Abby, though, steals Rachel’s heart. The infant’s mother died as the result of a car accident, so Gary is raising her alone.

With Christmas upon them, Gary invites Rachel to join Abby and himself for the day. The emotions Rachel has been avoiding burst forth that day, though, and she decides she should pull away from him outside of business.

But can she keep her resolve? Or will Abby and Gary convince her that she needs more in her life that just a job?

Sweet Liberty, Chapter 6

Brown Canyon
Sierra Vista, AZ

As I’m putting out Chapter 6 of my historical romance entitled Sweet Liberty, I can’t believe that it’s already the 14th of January. Two Thousand Seventeen is already moving fast.

With ghostwriting and beginning-of-the-year chores (like balancing checkbooks that I’m far too behind on) to do around the house, I’m a bit surprised that I was able to work this in.

I hope you enjoy the next Chapter 6 of Sweet Liberty. I’m still hoping that I can get my contemporary romance online by the end of February, but paid work comes first. I just can’t guarantee it.

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Sweet Liberty, Chapter 5, a Historical Romance

I’ve attached Chapter 5 of my historical romance entitled Sweet Liberty. I had high hopes of getting a free contemporary romance posted online, but the holidays turned out to be more hectic than I had anticipated.

I am, however, still at work on editing and preparing on A Baby for New Year’s.for publication on this site. Hopefully, it will be available before the end of February, 2016.

In the meantime, please enjoy the next chapter of Sweet Liberty. Continue reading

Look Forward to a New Chapter of Sweet Liberty


With the holidays are upon us, so are car accidents with minor but painful injuries, as well as getting back to work. I apologize for being so far behind, even if the apology is just for myself. I will be back on track by the end of the year, though.

My goal is to have Chapter 4 of Sweet Liberty on my blog by this weekend, but please be patient if it isn’t there Sunday. It will be soon.

I’m also planning to post a free contemporary romance just for the holiday season. Hopefully, I’ll be able to figure out how to get it to download to you directly from Books by Liz. If not, I’ll post it on Amazon Kindle as a free book. Wish me luck. I’m about to embark on new territory in the online publishing world.

Sweet Liberty, Chapter 2

As Halloween approaches, I am releasing Chapter 2 of my new novel, entitled Sweet Liberty. I don’t know if I’ll have time to upload a new chapter next weekend, because I’m working on another ghostwriting project. I will, however, do my best for the next sample.

In this chapter, Libby Woods meets Nathaniel Payne while on the trail from Charleston, South Carolina to Charlotte, North Carolina. Despite her reluctance, she agrees to let him join them on their travels.

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