Badlands Ridge

My new romantic intrigue, BADLANDS RIDGE, is finished and now online for download. To open the book, just click on the words BADLANDS RIDGE anywhere in the text. It will give you the option to download it in the upper right-hand corner of the link.

BADLANDS RIDGE is the story of Dakota Grayeagle, an American Indian who is followed by two unknown men. In her desperation to get away from them, she literally runs into the car of Brock Jones, a public relations expert. His “white knight” side kicks in, and he drives her toward the hospital – until he realizes they are being followed. Instead, he takes her to his place where he can protect her.

Upon her return home, Dakota opens a small package. Even though it’s addressed to her brother Chayton at her apartment, she wants to know how important it is so she can decide how to mail it to him. Her kitten knocks the package from her hands as a small explosion occurs, killing the cat and only injuring Dakota. Not really knowing what to do, she has her friend, who shows up to see what happened, to call Brock. He arrives and insists on taking her to the hospital to have her second-degree burns treated.

The FBI arrives at the hospital to question her, but Dakota only tells them exactly what she knows – except that the package recipient was Chayton. When Brock appears in her hospital room, Dakota mentions that she is going home to South Dakota to see her brother. Despite her protests, Brock insists that he will accompany her.

All Dakota can do is wonder what is going on with Chayton. After all, he was once imprisoned because of his involvement with the American Indian Movement (AIM). Is he still in the organization? Are they trying to dispose of him because of his past involvement and what he may know? The most urgent questions, though, are why is she being followed and will they follow her to Chayton’s ranch?

With any luck, Brock being with her and using his sister’s car will get the men to leave her alone. Unfortunately, more trouble is awaiting Dakota in South Dakota.