Destiny’s Desire, Chaps. 5 & 6

Double Rainbow Sierra Vista, AZ

Well, I’m finally getting Chapters 5 and 6 of Destiny’s Desire online. Boy, it’s been a busy few weeks. I got a ghostwriting job, so that’s why it’s been longer than I had hoped between posts. My plans were to get two chapters out every two weeks. I will strive for that again.

Be aware that there are passages in this section that are for mature readers.


Gabe broke the kiss but continued his intimate caress. He didn’t want to release her for even a moment. “When all this is over, Fanchonwhen we’re actually husband and wifeI’m taking you back to my room. Then I’ll show you how much I appreciate what you’re doing tonight. You’re a special woman to agree to my marital terms.”

“I’m not a woman, though,” she denied with a slight pout. “I’m a frightened adolescent who knows nothing about pleasing a man.”

“You may be frightened, but you’re mature beyond your years. There’s never been a woman like you in my life.” In the moonlight, he watched a tear escape from her eye. A smile crossed his lips as he wiped it away with his thumb. “You’re supposed to be saving those for the ceremony, which won’t take place if we don’t leave.”

“Before we go, there’s something I need to know.” She paused while he picked up her satchel. As he draped his arm around her shoulders, she asked, “Are you sure that what we’re doing is right?”

“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” He grinned to relax her. “From the second I laid eyes on you, I was completely intrigued.”

“Being intrigued has nothing to do with matrimony,” she insisted. “Are you absolutely positive that this is right for you? And don’t tease.”

Gabe hesitated. If he was as positive of this in his heart as he was in his mind, he could tell her the truth. But for some reason he didn’t understand, he wanted Fanchon to marry him out of love, not logic. When he responded, he hid his anxiety from his voice and said, “Yes. Are you?”

“Yes,” she agreed, her tone flat. “Let’s go do it.”

Frowning, Gabe escorted her away from the barn toward the carriage. From the sound of her voice, the prospect of becoming his wife didn’t please her. He’d tried to tell her that he loved her, but the words wouldn’t come out of his mouth. Although, that was most likely because it wouldn’t be true.

Maybe it was an omen. If he had any courage, he would call off the wedding and leave town as fast as he could. But he couldn’t leave Fanchon standing at the altar. No matter how quickly it had happened, no matter how unexpectedly, more than anything, he wanted her to be his wife.

Fanchon was embarrassed to silence by the unimpressed tone of her voice. Fear and nervousness had withheld even the most minute emphasis from her speech. How could he be so casual about getting married? She was so terrified that her head reeled! But her love was genuine, and that was all that mattered.

Unfortunately, Gabe was her first love, and she had no idea how to hold his interestor to make him love her back. Now that she was about to wed, she wished she’d paid more attention when her older brothers and sisters were courting.

Courting! Fanchon almost laughed aloud. Bianca was right; she had lost her senses. She’d had no courtship with Gabeonly a few hours in his company. But those hours had shown her that he had stolen her heart, like he’d proclaimed. They’d been hours of innocence and desire, of comfort in his arms. Mostly they’d been hours of joy at the prospect of lying in those same strong arms as his wife. Suddenly, she knew beyond a doubt that she was doing the right thing.

Awareness of her surroundings returned as Gabe reined up the horse in front of Bianca’s narrow two-story home. Beside their carriage was a second, unfamiliar buggy. Fanchon froze, mildly shocked by the sight of it.

“Gabe,” she said, unable to hide how frantic she was to see the buggy, “somebody’s here.”

“Relax, nurse-lady,” he explained, patting her arm. “It’s the preacher.”

“How can you be so casual about this?” she demanded.

Casual?” he exclaimed. “I’m scared as hell. I’ve been in seven Indian battles. I almost died from injuries three times. Now I’m headed out to a new battle, one that’s already taken thousands of lives. But I’ve never been as afraid as I am right now.”

Fanchon offered him a nervous smile and responded in a calmer tone. “It’s the same with me. Are you confused, too?”

“Of course. I keep asking myself why I’m doing this. We’re getting married under a lot of stress. You’re a little young, but at least you’re mature. I’m leaving town practically the second the ceremony ends. None of this makes sense. Even considering all that, though, I keep getting the same answer. I’m marrying you because I want to.”

Her heart lightened in excitement. His rational doubts had also been defeated by the illogical desperation. “I’m glad we discussed this. Everything you mentioned has been on my mind, too, and I keep getting with the same answer. I want to marry you.”

“Then let’s go in and get hitched, Miss Sten.”


After Bianca helped her into her dress, Fanchon pirouetted. “What do you think, Bianca?”

“You look more beautiful than ever,” Bianca praised.

“Maybe I should pin my hair up.” Lifting her long locks, Fanchon studied herself in the full-length mirror. “What do you think?”

“Is this the same Fanchon Sten who was here earlier? Or are you Astrid playing another trick? Fanchon never worried about her appearance before.”

“I’m different,” Fanchon returned, “because Gabe is as frightened as I am. He has the same questionsand the same answer. He’s doing it because he wants to.”

“Then I’ll go down and tell them you’re ready. You brush out your hair.” Bianca hugged Fanchon. “I hope you’ll be happy.”

“I will be,” Fanchon proclaimed.

But in her heart, Fanchon was worried. As much as she loved Gabe, she fretted that he would change his mind. She could only hope that it wouldn’t happen before he left town, because she was inexperienced in marital liaisons.

Gabe was downstairs, probably watching the steps for her descent. Would he be happy to see her festive taffeta frock of powder blue that enhanced her baby blue eyes? Would he be awed by the off-the-shoulder style, low-cut yet high enough to conceal all but a small portion of the knife wound she’d received the previous night?

Shaking with anxiety, Fanchon clutched the banister and watched the steps until she reached the bottom. There she hesitated. Everything was happening so fast! Was she ready for marriage? Was she ready to carry a man’s child? She sighed then straightened her shoulders to get control of her nervousness. Mumbling in a low whisper, she told herself, “Calm down, Fanchon. You can do this, and you’ll be happy for the rest of your life. All you have to do is relax.”

She inhaled deeply, looked up, and stared at Gabe in amazement. He was immaculately dressed in light blue trousers with a gold stripe down the outside of each leg. His dark blue double-breasted frock coat with gold buttons had a gold braid draped across the front. On the shoulders were epaulets of gold material. She’d expected him to be in uniform but not the dress uniform she’d seen at parties. Why would he bother to bring it to the front lines?

Taking another deep breath, she straightened her back then meandered toward Gabe, Bianca, Ben and the white-haired minister. When both couples faced the clergyman, Ben and Bianca on either side of Gabe and Fanchon, he began the short service. To her surprise and pleasure, Gabe gazed into her eyes and recited the words as soon as the preacher prompted, “I, Gabriel Jacob Freeman, …”

He stated each word such deliberation and passion that Fanchon was moved to tears. Knowing that he had memorized his vows gave the ceremony a special meaning.

When the minister asked her to repeat after him, she attempted to follow Gabe’s example. “I, Fanchon Anna Sten, take thee, Gabriel …” From there, she stumbled over the words. Flustered at her inability to remember Gabe’s middle name, she repeated the words after the minister.

Again, Fanchon was amazed at Gabe’s calm exterior as he slipped the ring to her second knuckle. But his cracking voice betrayed his nervousness when he pledged his constant faith and abiding love. Then he slid the narrow gold band the rest of the way to her hand and said, “With this ring, I do thee wed.”

In that instant, her anxiety disappeared. Tears of relief streamed down her cheeks. No wonder brides cried at their weddings. Once the vows were spoken, the explosion of relaxation was impossible to bear any other way. It was almost over nowonly a couple minor details remained.

With her hand still in Gabe’s, they faced the preacher before he offered a brief prayer of blessing. At last, he spoke the words Fanchon had longed to hear all day: “I now pronounce you man and wife. That which God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen. Major, you may …”

Gabe wasted no time with formalities. Instead, he embraced Fanchon and kissed her passionately. It was done! She was his wife. When he finally pulled back, much earlier than she’d envisioned, he whispered, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, Mrs. Freeman.”

Fanchon nearly burst with happiness when she heard her new name. Mrs. Freeman–Mrs. Gabriel Freeman. Only a short time ago he had called her Miss Sten. But unfortunately, that wouldn’t be the last time she heard it. She had to keep the marriage secret until she could explain without her entire family fighting over her decision. Until then, she would hear Miss Sten many more times. Right now, though, the only thing that mattered was that he called her Mrs. Freeman. And nobody would ever change her status–not if she had any say about it.

Before they left the house, Gabe excused himself to go upstairs. When he returned, he wore his work uniform and carried Fanchon’s satchel.

Unable to contain her curiosity, she asked, “Where’s your dress uniform?”

“Upstairs. I left it on the bed, Bianca. I hope you don’t mind.”

“That’s fine. I’ll hang it up later. You two go now. You have a wedding night to get underway before it’s morning.” Bianca kissed Fanchon on the cheek then hugged her. “I wish you all the best, sis.”

“Thanks, Bianca. Your support means a lot to me.”

“Do I get to give your groom a hug and kiss, too?”

“Only if I can give yours one,” Fanchon returned before bending over to embrace Ben.

As Gabe slid his arm around her waist, Fanchon noticed the minister off to one side of the room, grinning. Gazing up at her new husband, she questioned him in a low tone. “Aren’t we supposed to pay the preacher?”

“I already took care of it, and I gave him extra for the inconvenience.” Leading his bride to the minister, Gabe extended his right hand. “We appreciate your performing the ceremony, Rev. Johnson. I’m sorry it was such short notice.”

“This wedding was a pleasure,” Rev. Johnson said as the men shook hands. “I’ve officiated many rushed weddings since the outbreak of the war. But I’ve never been completely at peace with myself afterward until tonight. In all my years of ministry, I’ve never seen a couple so much in love. I’m confident you and Mrs. Freeman will thrive in matrimony.”

“Thank you for saying so, sir.” Gabe turned his gaze to Fanchon, and her face heated in embarrassment. “Your words give us hope for the future.”

“I’ll pray for both you and your beautiful bride,” Rev. Johnson offered as he smiled at Fanchon. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a wife of my own at home. Good night.”

“Good night, Rev. Johnson,” Fanchon replied. “And thank you again.”


The closer they strolled to the Moline House, the more anxious Fanchon became. She loved Gabe and wanted to give herself to him, but she had no idea of how to behave in a man’s bed. As a nurse, she’d been trained in all aspects of anatomy and physical functions. Yet she knew virtually nothing about what to expect of intimacy. Naked men were no mystery to her; she’d disrobed many injured and ill soldiers in the line of duty. But viewing Gabe’s nude body would be different.

Then the entrance to the Moline House loomed before her. Halting, she battled against the intense urge to flee into the darkness. Beside her, Gabe’s deep, soothing voice filtered into her mind to draw her gaze upward to his face.

“It’s all right, Fanchon. I’ll divert the clerk.”

Incapable of offering a response to his quick kiss, she watched while Gabe hurried inside to speak with the night desk clerk. Now would be the perfect time to leave, while the clerk retrieved the room key from a hook behind the desk. But her body was as numb as her mind, her thoughts disjointed and irrational.

She had no reason to run. She was Gabe’s wife, and it was normal to accept the key he placed in her hand. Glancing around, she noticed that the clerk was gone, somehow distracted by her husband so she could sneak upstairs. At the foot of the steps, Gabe gave her a gentle push, and she vaguely heard his plea for her to hurry.

In what seemed to be the next second, she stared at the number on the door of room seventeen. Going into Gabe’s room was moral now, completely legal and natural. But it was also completely frightening! Behind the door was a bed where he would want her to lie in his arms.

That morning she was expected to stay out of men’s beds. Now she was expected to get in one after seventeen years of purposely avoiding it. From Daddy’s little girl to Gabe’s wife–in less than twenty-four hours. Reaching out with her right index finger, she traced the brass numerals. Seventeen–the same as her age. Her thoughts were so deep that even Gabe’s quiet voice in her ear startled her.

“Symbolic, isn’t it. I rented room seventeen, and you’re seventeen years old. That must mean only good things will happen for us.” After unlocking the door, he kicked it open with his foot then swept Fanchon into his arms. “I’m glad you didn’t go in. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”

While Gabe lit the kerosene lamp on the dresser, Fanchon stared at his small arsenal in the corner near the window. Beside his saddle, bridle, bit, and saddle bags were an Army-issued Starr Double-Action .44 pistol, its holster, two derringers similar to the one he had given her, and a Henry .44 rifle like the ones Nels and Peter used for hunting. Although she saw no ammunition, she assumed he must have more than enough in his saddle bags.

A question began to form in her mind, but he answered it before the thought was complete. “When you live on the frontier, you learn to protect yourself. I always hide derringers on my person. They’ve saved my scalp more than once. They aren’t regulation Army, of course, but I feel a hell of a lot safer with them. If you can count on anything, Fanchon, it’s me being a survivor. Never believe the Army if they show up on your doorstep and tell you that I’m missing and presumed dead. Only believe them when they can show you my body.”

“I’ll remember that,” she responded. When Gabe approached with his arms extended toward her, Fanchon stepped sideways. She wasn’t ready for thisnot at all. Dear Lord, what had she done? She wasn’t ready to be anybody’s wife, not even Gabe’s.

Desperate and anxious, she executed a perfect about-face. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw the double bed directly before her. Somehow, she had to divert his attention from that bed until she could relax enough to consummate their marriage. What should she say to keep his mind off the subject? Ah, yes, she could tell him when her birthday was. “August 11.”

“What?” he asked, stunned by her words.

“August 11 is my birthday. When is yours? I don’t even know that much about you.”

“October 15.”

So much for that line of conversation. It was amazing how quickly one could deplete a topic when one was nervous. Given all the possibilities, she should have little trouble choosing another subject to discuss. After all, she was an intelligent individual. That’s right, she was going to ask about his uniform. “Why did you bring your dress uniform? I was surprised to see it.”

“Sit down and I’ll explain,” he offered in a gentle voice.

Panic overtook her as she scanned the room. There were no chairs! The only two places she could sit were on the floor and on the bed. And Gabe certainly wasn’t suggesting the former! Now what was she going to do? She started nervously when he grasped her upper arm with a tenderness she’d never felt. She turned her gaze to his rugged, tanned face.

“It’s all right, Fanchon. All we’ll do is sit, and I’ll try to relax you. But I can’t promise I’ll be successful. I’m as nervous as you are. I want things to be perfect for you, Fanchon. I don’t want you to be afraid, because that could only hurt our marriage.”

Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. “How did I get so lucky to find you, Gabe? You’re so understanding that it’s hard for me to stay afraid very long. Yes, let’s sit downon the bed.”

“My dress uniform isn’t the only unnecessary item I brought,” he admitted as he stroked her bare forearm. “I brought a lot of money that I never dreamed I’d be spending. I knew it was insane. I even tried to talk myself out of it, but I couldn’t. The dress hat is too bulky, so I left it with Pa. I’ll admit that some things I do are against regulations, but I never go out in public without my full uniform. That reminds me. Do you know anybody at the prisoner barracks who might have a major’s full-dress hat? I need one for tomorrow.”

“Yes, but I doubt it would fit you.” Curious, she asked, “Why do you need it?”

“We have a ten o’clock appointment with a photographer. I won’t have to wear the hat, but I do want to hold it. Do you think you can get it in time?”

“If Bianca helps me.”

“Good. I brought more than the extras I already told you about, too. I had an uncontrollable urge to buy another derringer.” He chuckled at the notion. “As if I needed it. None of it made any sense. I couldn’t understand why I felt the need for so much money. I didn’t understand why I wanted to bring my uniform, but when I bought that weapon and more than enough ammunition for it as well as my others, I was completely baffled. I thought I was going mad.”

“Destiny,” Fanchon mumbled.


“Destiny,” she repeated. “That’s what Bianca called our meeting. You didn’t realize it at the time, but you had an appointment with destiny.”

“That certainly describes us, doesn’t it,” he said, letting his hand wander up her arm to her shoulder.

This was it! He wanted to take her as his wife and was going to seduce her. The moment she’d dreamed of had finally arrived. Then why was she so scared?

His warm hand slid across her bare back, scarcely touching her on its trek to her other shoulder. When he drew it back toward himself, just above the material of her dress, the tickling sensation caused her to shudder. That movement felt wonderful! Her fear disappeared in that moment, eradicated by her uncontrollable reaction. All that remained was the deep desire to make him happy.

To demonstrate her new feeling, she laid her hand on the back of his neck and drew him toward her. Their lips met, tenderly at first; but in the next instant, Gabe embraced her and kissed her with what she could only describe as hunger. He drew from deep within her a reaction so filled with love that it consumed her with need for him.

His hands moved againover her breasts just above the material of her frock. She moaned behind his kiss. She was ready now, ready to be his wife in every sense of the word. Reluctantly breaking away, she rose to reach for the buttons on the back of her dress. When she stretched, her breasts strained to be freed from the fabric of her bodice.

Grasping her waist, he stood to pull her against him. “Here, Mrs. Freeman. Let me do the honors.”

His lips again captured hers; his fingers worked the buttons until all of them were opened. Her breath caught when he caressed her bare back. His very touch caused her nerves to scream for more masculine embraces–strong embraces that would create even more longing within her. Sliding her dress down her arms, Gabe fondled each breast in turn. Then he bent to kiss each pale tip as he slid the frock over her hips to the floor. The sensation was incredible! Her nipples hardened with increased desire that swept through her at the slight touch of his lips against her.

“Step out of your dress, my dear,” he whispered. After she did as he requested, he hung it in the cupboard before facing her. “Do you want me to blow out the lamp?”

“No,” she replied in a faltering voice. “I want to see you.”

Before Gabe could move toward her, she slipped her petticoats to the floor. Stepping out of them, she picked them up and tossed them carelessly aside. Across the room, his dark eyes admired her nude body.

“Now undress for me,” she said as she returned to the bed. Gabe stripped quickly, showing Fanchon every inch of his long, hard body. Once he was naked, she turned down the covers and lay back on the bed. “Come to me, Gabe.”

His hands skimmed over her body. He covered her face, neck and shoulders with feathery kisses so light that she grabbed his head to embrace his lips with hers. A second later his arms slid under her to hug her against him. She never dreamed intimacy could be so fulfilling without even having enveloped him with her womanhood.

Gabe withdrew an arm to caress her breast, pinching the tip gently until it hardened. Then his hand slid lower, past her waist and stomach until it stopped at her womanhood. His caress was tentative, as though he was uncertain that he should stop there. But the moment sent a flame raging through Fanchon’s loins, like a piece of paper catching fire. His hand moved on to her firm, soft-skinned thighs. Longing for the return of his intimate touch, she laid his hand back on her pleasure. He caressed her, sending the flames higher and higher. Waves of desire lapped over her body until she could no longer bear the intense urgency.

Lying between her spread legs, he used his free hand to position his manhood at the opening to her body. He kissed her hotly, hungrily tasting her mouth with his tongue. Fanchon grabbed his head. Between her legs searing desire engulfed her, and she knew only Gabe could doused it. Suddenly, the desire was gone, replaced by equally hot pain as Gabe dove into her.

But she merely moaned in displeasure. She didn’t want Gabe to know that she’d never done this before. She didn’t want him to think that she didn’t know what she was doing, because in her mind she did. She just didn’t understand the total emotional commitment that a liaison could bring about.

He was moving within her, as if he wanted to take away her pain. But he couldn’t possibly know that she was a virgin just by taking her one time–could he? That was something medical books didn’t explain.

Then the feeling of excitement began to return. Her body tingled with new sensations of feeling her husband deep inside her. And the experience was more incredible than anything she’d ever known. She sighed heatedly and increased the passion in her kiss.

Gabe tried to hold back, tried to make it pleasurable for her, but he couldn’t now that she was reacting in such a passionate way. After over twenty-four hours in a nearly constant state of arousal, he erupted into her body only moments later. With a groan of distress, he collapsed beside her.

An unexpected notion flashed to the front of his mind. As he gazed over at her in shock, he rued his actions. She could soon be pregnant. He could die in battle and leave her to raise his daughter alone. Now he would never meet his little girl. What was he thinking? Fanchon probably wouldn’t conceive after one time. But deep in his heart he knew he was only deceiving himself.

Drawing her to him, Gabe cradled her head on his shoulder and stroked her fine hair with a gentle touch. “I’m sorry it wasn’t pleasurable for you, Fanchon.”

She released a contented sigh and snuggled against him. “But it was, in the beginning and at the end. You couldn’t help it that pain replaced pleasure; that was a biological fact of life. And you saw to it that the pleasure returned. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciated that.”

  “I know it was part of my plan, but it didn’t fully register as a possibility until it was too late for me to turn back. You could get pregnant, Fanchon. It’s possible you could have to raise our child alone.” Pausing, he reveled in the feel of her soft body. After several minutes, he asked the question that had plagued him since their last words with the minister. “Something Rev. Johnson said tonight bothers me, Fanchon. I didn’t think it would matter when I asked you to marry me, but I found out that it does. I can’t leave without knowing the answer. Do you love me like Reverend Johnson thinks?”

“Yes, Gabe, I love you–very much–even if I don’t understand why.”

“Thank God,” he sighed. “If you’re interested, I wish I could tell you that I love you, too. But I can’t deceive you. Our marriage is strictly logical on my part.”

“I know.” Lifting her head, she gazed down at him. “Maybe someday you’ll learn to love me.”

“I can’t promise that I will.”

“I’m not asking you to.”

“I don’t know what brought us together, Fanchon. Maybe it was destiny’s desire that we get married. But I did it because I wanted to. I won’t back out on it, and I’ll absolutely never be unfaithful to you. Do you believe me?”

Fanchon smiled and hugged him. “If I didn’t, I never would have agreed to marry you. Now could we get some sleep? I’m not used to all these emotions, and I’m exhausted.”


A knock startled Fanchon from her dreams. Beside her, Gabe didn’t stir. Gazing over at him, she smiled. He looked like a child while asleep. With a contented sigh, she rolled onto her stomach and whispered his name into his ear. When he flicked his hand at the irritation, she blew softly into his ear then pressed her lips against his.

Gabe embraced her, crushing her naked breasts against his chest. Then he skillfully flipped her onto her back and covered her with his body. Again the flame in her loins sparked almost instant arousal. She loved kissing her husband and knew she would never tire of it. Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time for the excitement. Sliding her fingers into his hair, she pushed his head away.

“I want you, too,” she whispered, her voice hoarse with desire, “but somebody’s at the door.”

The person outside knocked louder. “Major Freeman! It’s seven-thirty. You left a message for me to wake you now.”

“Byron,” Fanchon whispered in horror.

“I’m awake,” Gabe returned. “Thank you.”

“How am I going to leave with Byron at the desk?” she asked when his footsteps faded. “I was so excited about being your wife that I forgot he works here.”

“He knows you nursed my wounds the other night, so dress in your usual clothes. Tell him you came to examine me before I leave, and he won’t suspect a thing.”

“How did I get up here without him seeing me?”

“His back was turned, of course. Since you were in a hurry, you decided to wait until you left to say hello.”

“All right, mister. If you’re so smart, why didn’t you answer the first time he knocked?”

“Because, nurse-lady,” he explained, rolling over and dragging her atop him, “I was so overwhelmed by your beauty that I didn’t hear him.”

Fanchon giggled. “I believe it, but Byron won’t. I’m very professional. I always spurn the advances of men under my care.”

His hands skimmed over her body as he grinned with an impish gleam in his eyes. “Ah, but the second you walked into the room, I grabbed you. There was no escape–until he knocked the second time.”

Grinding her hips against him, Fanchon called forth the wonderful new sensations that he’d shown her she possessed. “Even a man who’s holding somebody can speak.”

“Not this way.”

While Gabe slid his fingers into her hair, Fanchon gazed down at him with a soft smile. He was so handsome, so understanding, so charming. And best of all he wanted her. That was more than obvious from the look in his deep brown eyes. His eyes were another thing she loved about him. They had color, unlike those of half the Sten clan. His hair had color, too–and his skin was a rich golden tan. Her complexion was so pale that she looked sick next to him.

As he embraced her head, he gently forced it down until their lips met again. In that instant, all thought disappeared. Her motions became instinctive. She worked her hand between them to caress his manhood. With their lips locked in a heated kiss, she squeezed him slowly as he rolled her onto her back.

She was so excited that she could scarcely contain herself. When he entered her this time, she felt no pain, only the joyous desire of being in Gabe’s arms again. He was her husband, and he was making her feel as no other man could.

His hands skimmed over her body, caressing her, taunting her, driving her into a frenzied arousal unlike any before it. Her mind drained of thought as his lips left hers. His tongue slid down her neck, flicking its way along to her shoulder. His hands massaged her breasts with such heated tenderness that she could hardly restrain her passion.

A small moan of pleasure escaped from her as his tongue circled her hardened nipple. Then his lips covered it to suckle gently. His thumb taunted the other one while she writhed on the bed.

He thrust into her several times then released her nipple and lay atop her. His mouth captured hers again; his tongue explored its recesses. Their bodies ground in unison, as though they’d been intimate many times and knew each other’s actions.

Then something new happened. Between her legs, deep within her body, an unexplainable wave of need flooded her body. She couldn’t breathe, so she jerked her head from Gabe’s. Her heart pounded so hard in her chest that she was afraid she was having heart failure. But the sensation wouldn’t go awayit only got stronger. Her last morsel of control disappeared as her body leapt into a trembling climax. Unable to help herself, she cried out lustfully.

Gabe’s lips captured hers, cutting off her squeal of joy. His body went rigid for several seconds before he relaxed upon her, panting. “It’s never been like that before.”

Again Gabe was filled with a sense of having conceived a child–a daughter that he would never see. As much as he wanted to discuss it with Fanchon, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. Apparently, he wanted an heir so much he was imagining things. That was the only logical explanation for his feelings.

He kissed Fanchon’s forehead and stroked her hair several times. He’d never felt so content with a woman before, and he knew at that moment that he’d made the right choice in a spouse.

Fanchon loved lying in Gabe’s arms. She felt completelike she did on the rare occasions when she and Astrid agreed. Only this was a different kind of completeness. No matter how much she hated to admit it, she and her twin were two people with one soul. But she’d shared something with Gabe that she never would with Astrid. She and her husband had united and been joined as one.

Content, Fanchon sighed again and slid her fingertips through the dense forest of hair covering his muscular chest. His arms tightened around her as he kissed her hair.

“I’d like to stay right where we are, Fanchon,” he said, rising from the bed and striding to the washstand, “but we have to get out of here. Bianca’s expecting us for breakfast. You get dressed while I shave. Bianca said you can change into your dress there while I run some errands. I’ll change at the photographer’s shop. And another thing. I don’t think I’ll use a hat after all. I didn’t have one at our wedding, so I’d rather not have it for the photograph. I want my father to see exactly what we looked like.”

“You’re sending your father a photograph?” she asked as she sat up in bed. “Why?”

“Proof of our wedding,” he explained. “Pa’s been badgering me for five years to give up the Cavalry and get married. He’d been married a year and a half by the time I came along, and he’s twenty years older than I. But I refused to get married until I found my perfect woman. And that, my dear nurse-lady, is you.”

Sauntering to him, Fanchon slid her arms around his waist to press her body against his. “Tell me, my darling husband, do you always talk so much in the mornings?”

He turned in her embrace and hugged her. “Only when I’m trying to avoid upsetting you. I have to leave as soon as the photographs are developed.”

She pouted. “So soon?”

“I’m afraid so. I rented the room for three nights, but I knew I’d never use it the last one. I should leave now, but I want a photo of you and one of both of us. And I want you to have one of me and one of both of us. That way these last two days won’t seem like nothing more than a wonderful dream. We’ll have proof that they were real.”

“I understand. I’ll dress so you can get ready.” Her distress too great for further words, she wandered to her satchel on the dresser. Facing her new husband, she admitted, “Now I know how Bianca must have felt when Ben left.”


When the newlyweds let themselves in the kitchen door, Bianca greeted them. “I should have known you two wouldn’t get here until noon.”

“It’s hardly past nine,” Fanchon countered with a grin.

“Sit down and eat, or you’ll be late to the photographer’s. You still have to get ready. I’ll press your dress to save time.”

“Thank you,” Fanchon said, “but I’m not hungry.”

“I certainly am.” Gabe sat down at the table and pulled Fanchon down into the chair beside his. “And you’re going to eat, too, Mrs. Freeman. Contrary to what you may have heard, you cannot live on love.”

“I won’t starve to death missing breakfast this morning,” Fanchon replied, “and I won’t let you make me eat if I don’t want to.”

Leaning over, Gabe kissed her then chuckled. “That’s the woman I married. You’re free, all right. And that’s exactly what I wanted. Are you going to stand there with your mouth gaping, Bianca? Or are you going to feed your brother-in-law?”

Fanchon smiled. She liked knowing that he wanted her to be free. With an unexpected idea, Fanchon questioned her sister. “Is Ben still in bed? I want to wash up in your room.”

Bianca set a plate of bacon and eggs before Gabe, exclaiming, “At this hour? Definitely not.”

Without a word, Fanchon pumped some water into a pitcher beside the sink then left the room. On her way through the living room, she greeted Ben before racing up the stairs two at a time.

“What were you so surprised about, Bianca?” Gabe asked when they were alone.

“Your attitude.” Bianca shook out her sister’s dress then slipped the bodice over her ironing board. “I’ve never heard anyone praise Fanchon for being independent, especially not a man. Even our brothers don’t praise her.”

“I want her to be free,” Gabe proclaimed. “That way I know she’ll be fine if I don’t come back from the hell I’m going to.”

“Letting her be free isn’t always easy,” Bianca explained as she sank onto the chair across from him. “There are some things I need to know, Gabe. She has to tell our family about you eventually, and I want to be prepared.”

“Prepared for what?”

“To support her. We come from a family of stubborn Swedes who all have their own opinions and aren’t afraid to voice them. She’s the most controversial, but all of us worry about her.”

“Is it really that bad?” he asked in concern.

“Worse. I’m not even sure she understands why. I’ve heard her give friends some story about not having a childhood because she was always studying, but we didn’t start to worry until she wasn’t studying anymore. She finished school at fourteen, and no university would accept her. She’d take long walks–for hours on end. It took a while, but she and Dad convinced the doctor to let her help him. That’s how she learned nursing, and she’s very good at it. She delivered my youngest childand all of Ilka’s. That’s another one of our sisters.”

“What’s this have to do with me?”

“Nothing directly, but I think you should know everything. You should understand how frightened she is. She loves you and wants to be with you, but she also knows she can’t. Fanchon’s a logical person, and that kind of love defies logic. I could take it in stride because I’m a romantic, but Fanchon’s afraid of anything she can’t explain.”

“What does that have to do with your family worrying?”

“She’s going to be upset, then she’ll start going off by herself again. One of our brothers always called her a free spirit. We got word that he was injured in the war, too. Thank God, he should be coming home soon. He’s the only one who can reason with her, but I’m not sure even he’ll be able to do that this time. If he’d been here, by the way, I wouldn’t know about your marriage. She would have turned to him long before she came to me. The point I’m trying to make is that she’s going to start going off alone again. She was attacked the other night, Gabe. It happened once before, and it could happen again. Since you’re the man who rescued her, you should understand why we worry.”

“Then your worries are over,” Gabe responded. “I gave her a derringer and told her to carry it all the time. I also taught her how to use it so she can safely be as free-spirited as she wants.”

“You don’t think she’ll carry it just because you told her to, do you?”

Gabe stared at Bianca, shocked by her question.

Before he could respond, Fanchon’s voice came from upstairs. “Gabe! I need you!”

Scrambling from the table, he toppled his chair in his rush to her. When he reached the top of the steps, she called for him again. Throwing open the door of the room from which her voice came, he raced in.

“Fanchon!” he cried out as the door slammed shut. Spinning, he examined her in astonishment while she locked the door. When she turned toward him, she wore nothing but a mischievous grin. The panic he initially felt drained away, replaced by rapidly increasing arousal. Even though he tried to scold her, his voice came out husky with desire. “For God’s sake, Fanchon, you scared me to death. What were you doing?”

Her fingers worked the buttons on his shirt as she replied, “Something I’ve never tried before. I don’t even know if I’m doing it right, so I hope you’ll forgive me if I’m a little clumsy. What I’m doing, my darling husband, is seducing you.”

Her fingers trailed upward through the hair on his hard stomach and chest to his broad shoulders. Oh, how she loved the feel of him, the smell of him, the taste of his lips against hers. At last, she pushed the shirt down his arms, unbuttoned the cuffs and dropped it to the floor.

“Sweetheart,” he said, taking her into his arms, “we don’t have much time.”

“I want you to … be intimate with me again.”

Gabe couldn’t deny her, doffed the remainder of his clothes, and embraced her. As they kissed, he backed up to the bed, turned and laid her down on it. And they made love one more time, quickly but just as passionately as before.

Minutes later and exhausted from their tryst, he held her in his arms, and said, “God, you’re wonderful. Fanchon, you don’t know how much I wish I could stay and be a real husband to you.”

“I wish you could, too, but that’s not our destiny.”

“Give me your sister’s address, Fanchonso I can write to Mrs. Gabriel Freeman while I’m gone.” Gabe shivered as she trailed the fingers of her right hand over his chest. With a soft smile, he lifted her hand and toyed with her cameo ring. “And one more thing. I purposely got a narrow band so your cameo would hide it. If you want this secret marriage, you’d better put that cameo back on your left hand.”

Without another word, he took the cameo from her right finger. Fanchon didn’t speak, either, as she gave him her left hand, and he slid the cameo up her left finger. As he had hoped,  the band was barely noticeable.

“Why are you being so supportive when you want to meet my family?” she asked.

“Bianca said it frightens you when you can’t find logic in something. Unfortunately, love isn’t a logical emotion.”

“So I’m discovering.”

“As much as I adore holding you, I have to get up,” he announced, getting out of bed. “Don’t forget to meet me at ten.”

As Fanchon left the house, Astrid entered with Bianca’s children. The moment the met in the doorway, Astrid told their nephews and niece to go find their mother.

But Fanchon was still angry at Astrid for having involved herself in her life the previous night. “I don’t have time to talk, Astrid. I have an appointment.”

“Then we’ll talk on the way,” Astrid insisted as she examined Fanchon’s attire. “But I’ve never heard of someone wearing a party dress to an appointment.”

Preferring a brief conversation at Bianca’s house to a lengthy one on the street, Fanchon sighed in resignation. “I’m getting my photograph taken. Is that all right with you?”

“You’re acting awfully strange lately.”

“I have a lot on my mind.”

“So I see.” Pointing to Fanchon’s breast, Astrid asked, “How did you get cut?”

“That’s none of your affair,” Fanchon snapped.

“You were attacked out by the Rock, weren’t you.”

“I appreciate your concern, Astrid,” Fanchon replied, glad that she could answer truthfully, “but I wasn’t attacked at the Rock. I don’t know what you saw there, but it had nothing to do with me.”

“Who was the soldier you met about midnight?”

Staring at her twin in shock, Fanchon struggled to maintain her composure. She should have known Astrid would spy on her, but she hadn’t even considered it. She’d known Astrid suspected her, so she should have expected Astrid to watch her. All she could do now was keep lying and hope for the best. “He was my escort to the hospital.”

“I’d love to have him kiss me like that.”

“You spied on me, you witch!” Fanchon accused. “That’s why I never tell you anything. That and you can’t keep a secret. You’re the worst gossip I know. I have to go now. Good-bye.”


The portraits took longer than Gabe had anticipated. Each plate for the photograph had to be prepared immediately before exposure and developed promptly thereafter. To save room in his belongings, Gabe decided upon the cheaper Ambrotype, the negatives backed with black paper. But he insisted that Fanchon have the more expensive tintypes, negatives backed with black lacquered metal, for a more permanent record.

When he arrived at Bianca’s, he and Fanchon went to bed one last time. As they lay together afterward, Fanchon began their parting conversation with more conviction than he’d ever heard–even from her. “I’m going to have your child, darling.”

As she toyed with the hair on his chest, he recalled his own irrational belief in her pregnancy. “That would be wonderful, but I don’t like the idea of burdening you with a child.”

“What if I were to die in childbirth? Would you consider our baby a burden?”

“Never!” he exclaimed, horrified by her question. “I’d consider it an extension of you.”

“Which is exactly how I feel.” During a momentary pause, she kissed him. “Would you rather have a son or a daughter?”

“A daughter who looks exactly like her mother, of course.”

“Let’s hope we both don’t get our wish then, because I want a son who looks exactly like his father.”

Gabe chuckled. “Twins! What a marvelous idea.”

“It’s very possible. For about a hundred years our family has produced at least one set of twins in every generation. Although, that is unusual.”

His grin disappeared. From the look on her face, she was serious. What had he done? Instead of possibly leaving her with one baby, he could leave her with two! “Why didn’t you tell me?”

A lustful gleam came to her eyes, and she replied in a voice that was closer to a sensual whisper. “I’m not a fool, Gabe. I don’t want you to worry, though. I’ll keep both myself and our baby safe. But I know what war can do to men, and I’ll worry about you constantly until you’re back in my arms.”

“With my arsenal?” he teased. “No Reb is going to get me.”

“I’m serious, Gabe,” she insisted.

Gabe sighed before he responded. “This isn’t wishful thinking for you, is it, Fanchon. You truly believe you’re pregnant already.”

“Nothing else has been logical. It makes no sense that I’m so sure, but it fits with everything else that’s happened to us. Destiny brought us together; it’s taking us apart; it’ll give us a product of our union. And it will bring us back together. I promise you, Gabe. We will find each other again.”

Gabe stared at her in stunned disbelief. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Fanchon fought to keep her voice calm and reassuring. She didn’t want Gabe going into battle concerned that they might be separated longer than they anticipated. “I mean that you’ll come home.” But despite her soft, easy voice, her heart was disturbed. What had she meant by the remark?

“Thank God,” he sighed.

When he got out of bed, she watched him dress. She was more frightened now than when she married him. Her words had sounded as though theirs would be a very long separation. Maybe she subconsciously believed the war would continue for years. Nonsense! It couldn’t go on forever. She was probably upset about Gabe going to the front lines. That had to be it. She was afraid he would be killed, and she would never see him again. It was a perfectly normal, logical reaction when one was in love.

Gabe sat on the edge of the bed, pulling on his boots before turning toward her to speak. “I never thought I’d say this to a woman, Fanchon, but I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you, too,” she said, sliding her arms around his neck when he bent over her. “I love you.”

He smiled at her softly and caressed her head. Somehow she knew he wanted to say the same words but couldn’t. Instead, he said, “I’ll write when I get to the last town before I go into battle. I’ll send all mail to Bianca’s house, addressed to Mrs. Freeman.”

Again, he kissed her. Breaking away, he rushed to the door of Bianca’s bedroom. As he reached for the key to unlock it, he halted at the desperation Fanchon discovered she couldn’t keep from her voice. “Don’t ever be afraid to come back to me, Gabe. No matter what happens, I’ll stay faithful until I have proof that you’re gone. I love you too much to give up on you.”

When he disappeared through the door, Fanchon burst into tears. Yes, she was sad that he was leaving, but there was more behind it. Something was going to happen. Something was going to threaten their happiness, to turn their lives into upheaval—to divert their destiny.