Sweet Liberty, Chapter 7

Now that I’ve gotten my contemporary novel online for free download, I’m adding a new chapter (Chapter 7, previous chapters can be read here on my blog) of my historical romance entitled Sweet Liberty.

Editing is such a slow process when one works on ghostwriting, DAR genealogy and applications, and my  own genealogy, as well, but I keep plugging away. Maybe I’ll be able to post the complete book later this year. That’s my hope, anyway.

In the meantime, please enjoy Chapter 7 of Sweet Liberty.


Chapter 7


Ross being so persistent about making her his wife was one thing, but he had no right to kiss her without warning her. Even Nate gave her a hint of what was in his mind by the expression in his sparkling blue eyes. And the kiss Ross was forcing upon her at that moment was nothing like Nate’s, even last night when it had been dark and she hadn’t expected it. Ross’s caress was rough and distasteful. There was no scent of the tobacco which Libby had come to like, no taste of the lingering smoke from Nate’s pipe. Separating her thoughts and feelings was easy because she detested the lips grinding against hers.

Determined to make him stop, she began to struggle, but he crushed her so tightly against him she couldn’t escape. She wanted to scream, but his lips covered hers cruelly. When she opened her mouth to bite him, he slipped his tongue into it.

Instantly, the idea drained from her mind. His open lips covered hers as his tongue probed her mouth, occasionally making contact with hers. Each time it did, she pulled her tongue back. Oh, how she hated this wet, unwanted kiss. She had to break it. Forcing her arms between them, she tried desperately to push him away.

Suddenly, Ross kicked her leg out from under her, and she tumbled to the ground with Ross beneath her. He held her head so the kiss wouldn’t be disrupted. On the ground, Ross flipped her onto her back and covered her with his body. He worked his arms under her, keeping her head pinned to the ground by the force of his kiss.

She wanted to get away, but she was so completely pinned she could see no exit. Where was Nate when she needed him? Why hadn’t he followed them that night?

Dear Lord, she silently prayed, please send him to help me.




“Nate!” Will shouted as he raced into camp. “Come quick!”

Nate spun to face Will as he dried a dish Flossie had handed to him. “What is it, lad?”

“Ross is kissing Libby. You have to stop him.”

Smiling fondly at Will, Nate replied, “If I do that, she might never forgive me.”

“You don’t understand. He didn’t let her know what he was going to do first like you do. He just grabbed her and started kissing her. And I don’t think she wants him to.” Will grabbed the towel and dish from Nate. “Don’t let him hurt her.”

Without further protest, Nate bolted out of camp in the direction Will had come. How dare Ross force his attentions on Libby, especially after what had happened last night. That doctor was pushing him to the limit of his patience. Hopefully, Will had misinterpreted what he’d seen. If he hadn’t, Nate wasn’t sure …

At that moment, he arrived at the clearing. Before him Libby was desperately trying to free herself, despite the fact that Ross had her wrists pinned to the ground beside her head. Nate stopped a moment and stared at the scene. Then, before he realized it was happening, his wrath erupted in a violent burst. Grabbing Ross by the back of the shirt, he tossed the smaller man away from Libby as though he were a lightweight sack of potatoes. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he heard her scream of shock and fright. Still, he focused all of his energy on rescuing her. He attacked the smaller man with such vehemence that Ross could respond only defensively.


Within minutes, while Libby watched in stunned disbelief, Nate had beaten Ross into unconsciousness. To her horror, Nate continued his assault, despite the doctor’s inability to protect himself.

Forcing herself into action, Libby scrambled to Ross’s defense. She frantically grabbed Nate’s arm, but he shook her off like an annoying puppy. He hit Ross in the face again before she could stop him. When she grabbed his arm a second time, he pushed her away so hard that she fell. Scrambling back to him, she put her arms around him and locked her fingers together at his chest. Finally, she made a last, desperate attempt to pull him off his victim.

Panting from exertion, Nate sat back and drew up his knees. Folding his arms across them, he lay his head on his arms. Libby collapsed behind him, exhausted after her short but physically powerful exercise. After several minutes’ rest, Nate examined Ross then turned his attention to Libby.

Fear flooded through her. She didn’t think Nate would ever harm her, but she hadn’t thought he would hurt Ross, either. He’d already proven her wrong, and she didn’t want to know if he would prove her wrong a second time.

Nate reached out toward her face, and Libby cowered from his touch. He’d lost control of his actions, and she was terrified that he would lose his temper again. As she stared at him nervously, an expression of sorrow dimmed the brightness in his eyes.

“Oh, God,” he sighed. “What have I done?”

“You hurt Hiram,” she replied.

“I examined him, Miss Liberty. I’m sure he’ll be fine in a few days. What’s more important is that I hurt my friendship with you. I did the worst thing I could ever imagine. I made you fear me. You probably won’t believe anything I say now, but I could never hurt you. Not ever.”

“You’re absolutely right. I could never believe that now.”

“Would it help if I say I’m sorry?” he asked hesitantly. “I know it’s hard to believe, but I was trying to protect you. And I’m sorrier than you’ll ever know that I overreacted. I only did it because I didn’t want Ross to hurt you. Honest.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t have.”

“Not physically maybe, but emotionally. Ross wants to force more than a kiss on you.”

“I know. He wants to marry me.”

Nate stared at her in disbelief. “Are you going to agree?”

“That’s none of your concern.”

Although her voice was soft, she glared at him. Nate swallowed hard, causing his Adam’s apple to become more prominent, then continued with a different line of conversation. “I should get back to camp and see that Will and Flossie have finished cleaning up. I’ll carry Ross back.”

“Don’t touch him,” Libby ordered softly. “Send Will to get him. And I think it’s time for you to move on. I want you gone by the time we get back to camp.”

Nate stared at her as she rose. Without averting his sorrowful gaze, he also rose. Then, as he gazed down at her unfalteringly, he spoke in a voice filled with restrained emotion. “I suppose this moment was inevitable, and I can’t say that I didn’t expect it. I honestly tried to get along with that blundering idiot, Miss Libby. For your sake, I tried.”

“Not very hard,” she returned. “You constantly call him a blundering idiot, and I once overheard you using a much stronger name in a conversation with Will.”

“You don’t strike me as the type to eavesdrop,” he said without thinking of the outcome.

“I’m not. Voices travel well in the still night, especially angry voices. Which reminds me, you have no right telling Will what kind of man is good for me, nor does Will have a right to say who is bad for me. Both of those decisions are mine and mine alone.”

Nate grimaced. “You obviously heard a lot of our conversation last night, but neither of us was presuming to make a judgment for you. We were simply stating our opinions. And that, my sweet, is our right since neither of us has inflicted an unwanted opinion on you. And while we were traveling today, I lectured Will on what I’d do if he tried to.”

“Do you expect my undying gratitude?”

Two long strides put him directly before her, then he grasped her upper arms firmly yet gently.

Unexpected fear coursed through her. An audible gasp escaped from her. There was a gleam in his eyes that she’d never seen before, and she wanted to get away from him. But he might hurt her if she tried. In an attempt to hide her discomfort, she averted her gaze to a tree behind him. Then his deep, emotion-filled voice drifted to her ears.

“You realize, my sweet, that I’d hoped we could become good friends at the very least. You’re a beautiful lady. Beneath that cool exterior is a fiery woman waiting for the right man to unleash the tempest you’ve kept hidden all these years. But only a man for whom you have deep feelings will release that flame of anger burning in your heart. I once thought, my sweet Liberty, that I could do it. Now I know I was wrong.”

“If you could,” she announced, returning her gaze to meet his, “that emotion would be hate.”

“Ah, my sweet, sweet Liberty, if you only knew. But you have asked that I leave, so I shall. I think I knew all along this moment would come. I’ve been so busy being the rebellious son that I’ve completely forgotten how to be a civilized man. Maybe you were right when you suggested that I find a whore to bed. Perhaps I’ll do just that. Perhaps a whore is the only type of woman I can relate to now. I’m no longer cultured enough to court a lady, nor can I expect to suitably change my ways for such a pursuit.”

As hard as Libby tried to hide it, Nate’s words touched her heart. Several tears slid down her cheeks before he tenderly kissed them away.

“Don’t cry, my sweet,” he said. “Your darling blundering idiot will be fine. I didn’t do that much damage. Apparently, he couldn’t bear whatever pain I inflicted. In the meantime, he awaits your attention. I’ll send Will to carry him back to camp. By the time you get there, I’ll be gone. Take care of yourself, my sweet. Maybe we’ll meet again one day, and I’ll no longer be conceited and arrogant in your eyes. Maybe I’ll be the kind of man who attracts your friendship instead of your hate.”

Turning her back so he wouldn’t see that her tears intensified with his words, Libby listened while he stalked away. He hadn’t even left the clearing yet, and she already missed him. What had he done to her that caused her to feel this way? What had he done to make her feel? She’d never been a person who dwelled on emotions. She hadn’t even cried over her parents’ deaths. And she’d certainly never been one who let a man’s sweet words touch her soul. Whatever he’d done—be it bewitchment or something else—she didn’t like the feelings within her. In fact, she hated the intense ache in her chest.

Libby sank onto a nearby log. Why did she suddenly feel like something was missing, like her arm or leg had been cut off and tossed away? Her heart was heavy, and she felt hungry despite having eaten a large dinner only minutes ago. No, hungry wasn’t the word. She felt empty, but she had no desire for food to fill the void in her. Oh, how she hated this feeling!




Back at camp, Nate immediately began packing his mule to leave.

“What happened, Nate?” Will asked, his voice filled with excited anticipation. “Did you stop him from bothering Libby? Did she thank you in that special way a woman thanks a man?”

“I stopped him all right, but I didn’t get any thanks for it. I’d even go so far as to say that she was damned furious with me. I beat the hell out of that little bastard. Liberty probably wouldn’t be so mad right now if I’d at least given him a chance to defend himself. He’s back there unconscious—with your sister tending to him. I would have brought him back to camp myself, but Liberty wouldn’t let me. She wants you to do it and me to be gone by the time she gets here.”

Will watched mutely while Nate saddled his horse until Nate finally mounted the gelding. “But what will we do without you? We can’t fend for ourselves the way you can, and you know it.”

“I won’t be far off—in case you need me,” Nate assured him. “Like I told you before, I’ll see to it that you’re protected. There are still Indians in the area, and I’m not going to leave you to fend for yourselves.”

“Can I come talk later tonight?”

“The question is may you, and the answer is that I don’t think Liberty will let you.”

“After she’s asleep, may I?”

Nate shrugged. “Why the hell not? She’s already furious with me, so it won’t get any worse. I’ll make camp about two miles back the way we came.”




When Will arrived at the fight scene, he found Ross still unconscious and Libby sitting with her back to him about five feet away. As he sat beside her on the log, he saw the tears streaming down her cheeks.

“What’s wrong, Libby?” he asked in concern.

“Nothing,” she replied. “Would you take Hiram back to camp? I’ll be along shortly.”

“I ain’t gonna let you stay here alone. Nate’d whup me good if he ever found out I done that. Yer comin’ back with me if I hafta carry you first, then come back here and git the doc. That’s what Nate’d do, and that’s what I’ll do if you make me.”

“Oh, all right,” she agreed, “as long as you never mention that man’s name in my presence again. But you tend to Hiram. I don’t want to be around anybody.”




When Will arrived at Nate’s camp well after midnight, Nate was waiting up for him, staring into the fire in the hope of finding solace. But there was no solace for him that night—only a terrible emptiness that even his bottle of rye couldn’t relieve.

“I’m sorry I’m so late,” Will said as he sat on the opposite side of the campfire. “I thought Libby’d never go to sleep.”

“That’s all right.” Nate took a long drink of rye directly from the bottle. “I knew you were coming, so I waited for you.” He held the bottle out toward Will. “Do you want to try some of my liquor?”

“Sure!” Will agreed. “But don’t you think Libby will mind?”

Nate chuckled and tossed the bottle to Will. “Your sister would be madder than hell if she found out, so don’t say anything. She’s already furious with me. If she knew I gave you rye, she’d never speak to me again.” Taking a swallow of the liquor, Will grimaced. Nate laughed. “What’s the matter, lad?”

“It burns. How can you drink it?”

“It’s an acquired taste. Pass it back. I intent to get roaring drunk tonight.”


“Because of the damned fool thing I did. I’d still be in camp with you and the others if I hadn’t beat the hell out of that damned bastard. How is he, anyway?”

“Pretty bruised up and sore. But as soon as he found out he couldn’t get any sympathy from Libby, he decided he’d be all right by morning.”

Nate shot his startled gaze to Will. “Why doesn’t she give him sympathy? I thought she’d be by his side every second after what I did.”

“She won’t go anywhere near him,” Will explained, shaking his head. “Hell, she hasn’t even said one word since I made her come back to camp with me.”

“What do you mean you made her?”

“Just that. She wanted to stay by herself. I’m not sure, but I suppose it was because she wanted to cry for a while. I don’t know what she’s so upset about. All I can figure is that it has something to do with you.” When Nate’s eyes widened even more in surprise, the teen grinned. “She won’t have anything to do with the rest of us, that’s for sure.”

“Didn’t she tell you anything?”

“Nope. And I had to threaten to carry her back to camp before she’d come willingly. Then she only agreed if I promised not to mention your name around her again.”

“That makes sense. She was awfully angry when I left her.” Holding the bottle up to the firelight, Nate studied it for several seconds before taking another drink. “So your sister is upset about something. Hell, that could be anything from a broken fingernail to the deaths of your parents.”

“You don’t believe that, do you, Nate?” Will asked.

“I sure as hell do. In time, you’ll learn that a lot of women are like that at certain times of each month. Some women will cry about absolutely nothing. That’s the only thing I don’t miss about women when I’m alone. I don’t even mind them being finicky.”

“But Libby was never one to cry. She’s always been what Leon called stoic. I know, because one time I asked him how come she never got angry or sad like other girls.”

“I know why she never gets angry,” Nate admitted, “and I suppose it makes some sense to her. But maybe she shed all her tears in private before. She sure as hell can’t do that now, you know.”

Suddenly, Will changed the subject. “Come back, Nate. Libby would be a hell of a lot easier to get along with if you were there. It ain’t … it isn’t that damned bastard of a doctor she’s crying over. It’s you. I know it is.”

“That’s nonsense. She’s so angry with me that she’d sooner see me back in Philadelphia—where I’m not wanted. She must be getting to her time, so she’s in need of a good cry.”

“She certainly is getting it. I’m not sure, but I think she cried herself to sleep. I wanted to do something to help her, but I didn’t know what it would be. Tell me what I should do if she’s still like this tomorrow.”

“Don’t do anything. She’ll be fine in a few days.”

“Are you sure?” Will asked skeptically.


“You sure do know a lot about women, Nate. I’m glad I’ve got you to teach me.”

“I’m glad to help.”

“Would you tell me more about the kind of things you do with a whore? Since I’m the man of the family, I figure I should know these things.”

“All right. I suppose you’re old enough now. But wait a while before you put what you learn into practice. And whatever you do, don’t tell your sister what we’ve been discussing. If there’s even the slightest hope of her ever forgiving me, I don’t want to spoil it.”