Saturday in Tucson

Mural Depicting Presidio San Augustin del Tucson in Tucson, AZ

Mural Depicting Presidio San Augustin del Tucson in Tucson, AZ

I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to think. My last ghostwriting job was a long one, and I need a break. I’ve decided that after months of constant writing, I’m taking a week off. I need to get a few things done here at home.

Last Saturday, my daughter and son-in-law (Aimee and Chris) took John and me to Tucson for a day outing. First we visited the Persidio San Augustin del Tucson (a reconstructed fort). Then we took a short walk to see the monument dedicated to the 101st Infantry, Mormon Battalion. After that, it was lunch at Red Robin. (Don’t think I really wanted to eat again for a couple of days.) Then we went to the Container Store. Yea! Organization stuff. Just my cup of tea. On the way out of town, we stopped at Chris’ favorite Costco, but it was closed because of a water main break. We had to traipse back to a different Costco in Tucson. Finally, we arrived home just before dinnertime. All in all, it was a fun Mother’s Day outing, and I got to get a little information and some pictures for a future book possibility.

So now, I’m not writing for anybody for a few days, and I might even get to do some editing on my own work. I may even post a few chapters of another of my books to get any feedback my family and friends want to give me.

Mormon Battalion Sculpture at Tucson, AZ

Mormon Battalion Sculpture at Tucson, AZ