Books on the Back Burner

Five Years in the Making

Five Years in the Making

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Above is the cross-stitch that I started 5 years ago for my daughter Mandie. She’s been so patient. When floaters in my eyes delayed my sewing (I couldn’t see around them sometimes), she bought me a pair of magnifying glasses for Christmas this year. The first thing I did was finish her project.

I haven’t had much time for posting here for quite a while. Ghostwriting kept me quite busy. One of my resolutions this year is to make it a habit of posting here, just as my daughter Aimee posts on her website. Well, maybe not every day like Aimee does, but more often than whenever I get around do it.

Another resolution is to get at least two books online. It’s been way too long since I’ve done that. I just haven’t had time, between ghostwriting and sewing and Christmas and Thanksgiving and everything else I’ve had going on.

With Mandie’s cross-stitch project done and my ghostwriting on hold, I hope to get a new book of my own edited and uploaded within the next couple of weeks. As soon as I say this, though, I’ll probably get another ghostwriting project, because that’s just how my luck runs. I would love that, but I’m far behind on my own work of getting out my books.