My Own Book

A Rock Outcrop in Brown Canyon

A Rock Outcrop
in Brown Canyon

This past couple of weeks I haven’t done much except research. After finishing my ghostwriting project, I needed to see if I could come up with a synopsis for a follow-up series, which I did. Now I’m just waiting to hear if it’s been accepted to write.

In the meantime I’ll be working on one of my own books to prepare for publication on Kindle Direct Publishing. I might try to put this new book on other sites as well, such as Nook or Smashwords. I really look forward to working on my own project, but I’m still putting feelers out for ghostwriting projects, too.

Today, my husband John and I went hiking on Brown Canyon, which isn’t far from our home. I got several nice pictures there. I swear, my phone takes better pictures than my camera does.

The rest of the day today I’ll be picking out my book to work on while I watch an Amazon Prime TV show called The White Queen. I started watching it the other day and was surprised by how interesting I found it. Now I need to finish it.

I don’t really have a lot to say, which is why I didn’t post anything last week. Hopefully, this week will be more productive.