Another Serial Novella


This photo is of nightshade, which plays a prominent role in the serial I just finished ghostwriting. It grows wild all over our land.

I finished my serial historical romance novella yesterday, and sent it to my client. She’s already asked me for another one, kind of a follow-up to this one. Since I don’t want it to be too close to the same thing, I want to research a different area – maybe Tucson or Phoenix or Tombstone. The last one was fun to do, so I want to be sure I do as well on the new one. But I don’t want them to be too close to the same, either. Decisions, decisions.

Again, I’m having trouble with the word wrap feature. (I forgot to have my favorite son-in-law show me how to do it because I can’t seem to understand what I’m reading online.) Someday, I will get this blogging down to an art, but today won’t be the day.

I found a site with a lot of good quotes on writing from famous authors. I’ll probably post one with each of my blogs starting today. The following is by George Orwell, and I’ve seen a lot of writers who don’t follow it. “Never use a long word when a short one will do.”