Another Ghostwriting Installment Finished

Double Rainbow in the Sky Sierra Vista, AZ

Double Rainbow in the Sky
Sierra Vista, AZ

I wish I could  remember how to do a text wrap around the picture. This one is a double rainbow taken from our back porch. It wasn’t intentional, but I kind of liked the way the brighter rainbow framed our tree. Sometimes luck turns out better than planning for me.

Actually, I finished two more ghostwriting assignments, since I didn’t post last week. I was just too busy working.

I am really excited about this project because it’s coming along so well. This is a story idea (set in the Old West time period)  I had years ago and could never get to come together. With the help of my client, I figured out what was wrong with it, and I was off to the races with it. Amazing how a fresh eye will bring things into focus. I truly love ghostwriting, even though it doesn’t pay a lot. This is something that makes me happy.

With the final installment due next Monday, I’m looking forward to working on another one of my own books to put online soon. I haven’t decided which book it will be yet, but I’m leaning toward another romantic intrigue. Doing my own writing projects makes me happy, too, of course.