Ghostwriting Is Going Well

Saguaro Cacti Outside of Tucson

Saguaro Cacti Outside of Tucson

The ghostwriting job I have that’s set in Arizona is going quite well. I’ve gotten 8,000+ words done, and I’m already starting on the next installment of 4,000 words.

Although I had this story idea many years ago, I could never get it started. With the help of my client, it’s going so well I’m having trouble believing it myself. The few tweaks that she made gave me better ideas, and I’m now able to know where my characters are heading in this ghostwriting project. I’m so grateful that this book is finally getting written!

Do I get paid a lot for ghostwriting? Not for this project – only a penny a word. Would I like to earn more? Sure, wouldn’t anybody? But I so enjoy it that I really don’t care too much.

I can’t wait until I finish this ghostwriting project a month from now and can (hopefully) get permission to advertise it on this site. Since it won’t be under my name as author, though, I’ll have to add a section for other authors. Or possibly I’ll have a link to it another way.