Book Preparation

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

This past week I worked on book preparation, getting my own project (set in Hawaii) prepped to go online at Amazon KDP. Unfortunately, I don’t think Danger in Paradise is quite ready for publication, and I want to ruminate on it for a few weeks. Instead, I will work on preparation of another book I have that I think would be ready sooner.

The next book I will review for possible preparation and publication is another romantic intrigue, this one set in the Badlands of South Dakota. I can’t wait to go through it again because I was so into it when I originally wrote it several years ago. Now that I have a clear mind about Badlands Ridge, I hope I can get it in shape to publish.

I also have a possible ghostwriting project on which I need to consult with the client.  As soon as I can do that, I will put my own book preparation on hold and work on ghostwriting. This job could be on-going and is a serial set in the Old West, my favorite.

So things are picking up here in Arizona. I have plenty of writing, editing and book preparation to keep me busy for a while.