Book Editing Service

Pen and Paper

Today I’m learning my SEO plugin. Because I want to work on  building my book editing services, I want to make sure that my information shows up in the search engines. The better I do at showing that I offer book editing services, the more likely I am to get my information on the search engines. Supposedly, this plugin will help me succeed in my goal.

I have been in the book editing for 35+ years, working on all genres of books. For the most part, I have edited nonfiction books, but I have also worked on autobiographical works, fiction, children’s, young adult, and even erotica. Magazine articles have come to me from time to time, but I rarely edit those. I can also edit your work on my computer as long as it is a Word document. This give me a little more room for explaining any editorial changes.

In my book editing process, I make notes in the margins to explain my changes. I also offer a one- to two-page synopsis of where I think the book should be heading and/or improvements that can be made. I also explain some of my notes in greater detail if I feel it’s beneficial to the writer.

My fees for book editing vary depending upon the difficulty of the work. Most of the time, however, I charge $3 per page. If an author wants to send me a sample of his/her work, I will edit up to 30 pages at the $3 price before I quote a price for the entire book. I have even lowered the per-page price for my editing if the book comes in installments and editing changes I’ve made previously have already been made later in the book.