I’m obviously still learning to blog because it took me a little while to figure out how to add a new one.

My decision on the book I’m going to put here in weekly chapters is entitled Shadows of the Past. It was published with an obscure publisher many years ago. Since then, I’ve taken it out of publication and am now going to revise it. I think doing a weekly blog will keep me motivated.

Right now, though, I’m watching Sons of Liberty on the History Channel. I’ve always been interested in the Revolutionary War period, and when I found out that I actually had ancestors who fought in the war, I only became more interested. Both my birth and my adoptive families had “revolutionaries” in them. My adoptive mother’s ancestors were even at Valley Forge with General Washington.

Tonight I watch the first episode of Sons of Liberty (thank goodness for DVR so I don’t have to watch the commercials). Tomorrow is soon enough to edit.