Destiny’s Desire, Chaps. 7 & 8

Double Rainbow Sierra Vista, AZ

I can’t believe it’s been three weeks already since I got out my last post on Destiny’s Desire. Now Chapters 7 and 8 are available. Now that I have my paid work behind me, I’m working to finish this book so I can upload it to Books by Liz.

My goal is to simply provide an escape in these strange times. Please enjoy the next two chapters. More will come soon.

As always, I rate this book for a more mature audience.

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Destiny’s Desire

The following book sample is my newest, Destiny’s Desire, Prologue and Chapters 1 and 2.

Destiny’s Desire is a saga of several Sten children and, in specific, one daughter’s (Fanchon) unexpected love. Gabriel Freeman is a Union soldier who comes to town to see what a little girl he stopped from fighting years ago grew up. Instead, he finds a young woman, Fanchon, who captures his attention.

These chapters center on Fanchon and Gabe but also introduce other Sten family members, as well as the antagonist.

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Danger in Paradise

Finally, I’ve prepared my book, Danger in Paradise, for a free download here on my site. I wish I were more computer literate so it wouldn’t take me so long. Just click here, and it will take you to the link.

I will begin putting chapters of my next book, an historical romance, here soon.

Free Books on Amazon Kindle

Today, while I’m finalizing Danger in Paradise to place on this site in full, I am offering two free books (from April 5 through April 9) I have published on Amazon Kindle. The first is Shadows of the Past, a romantic intrigue; the second is Kindred Desires, an historical romance.

To read what these books are about, both are located under the Romance drop-down menu above – one in Historical; the other, Intrigue. Clicking on the book cover will take you to the book site on Kindle.

I hope you enjoy. Danger in Paradise will be linked here soon.

Sweet Liberty, Chapters 8 & 9

Huachuca Mountains, Hereford, AZ

After a week off of ghostwriting, I’m ready to post another two chapters of my historical romance, Sweet Liberty.

It’s hot here in Arizona, and I’m enjoying the snowy mountain scene. This was taken from our front porch (facing west) at sunrise.

Please enjoy reading the next installment of Sweet Liberty.

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A Baby for New Year’s, Free Sample Book

Sorta Success! My book, A Baby for New Year’s, is finally available for free download. That’s the success part. The “sorta” part is that I couldn’t get it to work with my purchase program.

I thought I would leave well enough alone for now and just upload my book as a link.

Free to all, just click on the picture or the title above to get to the downloadable PDF file. Once there, just click on either the picture or title again. The file will appear at that point.

Correction for Deal Dates

Kindred Desires

There is a correction for the deal dates of my novel entitled Kindred Desires.

This book will not go on sale for $0.99 until September 7, 2016. It will continue until September 14, 2016.

Secret Heart should be on sale, as well, but as of now, it isn’t showing up as such. I will have to find out why.

I apologize for the incorrect information.

Saturday in Tucson

Mural Depicting Presidio San Augustin del Tucson in Tucson, AZ

Mural Depicting Presidio San Augustin del Tucson in Tucson, AZ

I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to think. My last ghostwriting job was a long one, and I need a break. I’ve decided that after months of constant writing, I’m taking a week off. I need to get a few things done here at home.

Last Saturday, my daughter and son-in-law (Aimee and Chris) took John and me to Tucson for a day outing. First we visited the Persidio San Augustin del Tucson (a reconstructed fort). Then we took a short walk to see the monument dedicated to the 101st Infantry, Mormon Battalion. After that, it was lunch at Red Robin. (Don’t think I really wanted to eat again for a couple of days.) Then we went to the Container Store. Yea! Organization stuff. Just my cup of tea. On the way out of town, we stopped at Chris’ favorite Costco, but it was closed because of a water main break. We had to traipse back to a different Costco in Tucson. Finally, we arrived home just before dinnertime. All in all, it was a fun Mother’s Day outing, and I got to get a little information and some pictures for a future book possibility.

So now, I’m not writing for anybody for a few days, and I might even get to do some editing on my own work. I may even post a few chapters of another of my books to get any feedback my family and friends want to give me.

Mormon Battalion Sculpture at Tucson, AZ

Mormon Battalion Sculpture at Tucson, AZ

It’s been WAAY to long since I posted. I had much ghostwriting to do.


Mission San Xavier del Bac

Hi, everybody.

It’s been so long since I posted that I lost my Facebook page for, and I have to set it up again.

I’ve been very busy ghostwriting for people, as well as taking care of household requirements. I should be ghostwriting right now, too – or at least I should be doing research for the project due soon.

With a new project upon me, I’ve been doing research around Arizona. The photo above is Mission San Xavier del Bac near Tucson. It is one of the oldest missions in the state. Really beautiful inside, too. I’m considering this as a setting, and the mission shown below, which is Mission San Jose de Tumacacori near Nogales, AZ. That one is even older than the first one.

My new ghostwriting project is just a short story (8,000 words) set wherever I prefer. I like researching different locations.

I’ll try to be back on sooner from now on. And I hope to get some of my own editing done.

Mission San Jose e Tumacacori, AZ

Mission San Jose de Tumacacori, AZ

Books on the Back Burner

Five Years in the Making

Five Years in the Making

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Above is the cross-stitch that I started 5 years ago for my daughter Mandie. She’s been so patient. When floaters in my eyes delayed my sewing (I couldn’t see around them sometimes), she bought me a pair of magnifying glasses for Christmas this year. The first thing I did was finish her project.

I haven’t had much time for posting here for quite a while. Ghostwriting kept me quite busy. One of my resolutions this year is to make it a habit of posting here, just as my daughter Aimee posts on her website. Well, maybe not every day like Aimee does, but more often than whenever I get around do it.

Another resolution is to get at least two books online. It’s been way too long since I’ve done that. I just haven’t had time, between ghostwriting and sewing and Christmas and Thanksgiving and everything else I’ve had going on.

With Mandie’s cross-stitch project done and my ghostwriting on hold, I hope to get a new book of my own edited and uploaded within the next couple of weeks. As soon as I say this, though, I’ll probably get another ghostwriting project, because that’s just how my luck runs. I would love that, but I’m far behind on my own work of getting out my books.