Another Ghostwriting Project Completed

Sunset after the Rain 9-18-15

Sunset after the Rain

We get the most amazing sunsets here in southern Arizona, especially when it’s been raining. I can’t get enough of them because they are all so different.

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy doing these ghostwriting projects. This past week was a busy one with my latest one. I had to write 8,000 words in about four days. That’s a lot for those of you who wouldn’t know. It was actually kind of fun this little book because it was a new genre for me and completely out of my comfort zone. Now I’m waiting for it to be proofread. When it is, I’ll make any necessary changes then send it back to my client.

When he approves it, he’ll be sending me yet another short book synopsis for me to ghostwrite. Nice.

Unfortunately, I don’t have time to work on my own books so I can get another one online. Oh, well. I guess I’ll just have to work on one until I get another project. I just don’t like having to stop then restart my editing. It throws me off.

On top of that one of the cats got sick and had to go to the vet. Thank goodness, the grumpy old man just had an absessed tooth, which actually fell out when the vet was examining his mouth. For the first few days, he let me give him his medicine. This  morning, I got the claw swipe. Glad he’s feeling better, but OUCH!